
Ch 661 - Making Plans

"I'm a trusted employee, so I'm privy to what's going on," Julie said. "The legal department has okayed the agreement, and the company is preparing to ramp up production of Golden Health. By the beginning of spring, the Robinson Winery intends to restructure and recruit more people, and Golden Health will be its key product."

Riley nodded.

"The project team has been announced," Julie continued. "It comprises the most talented people at the winery. Morale is high, and they all regard this as their flagship product. Everyone is excited."

She continued to tell Riley everything she knew.

"I've seen this Golden Health powder with my own eyes," she said. "It's really something special. Our research department is looking into it as a matter of urgency. The first batch of samples will be produced at the start of next month, but they will have to undergo testing before they become available."

She frowned when Riley didn't react.

"Your family's leading product is the famous Naysmith Healing Powder," she pointed out. "Golden Health is set to overtake you. Do you really not care?"

Riley snorted. Of course he cared, but he had always preferred to keep his emotions to himself, so he was careful not to react.

"All of Baltimore knows Naysmith Healing Powder has cornered more than half of the market," Julie said. "If this Golden Health is as impressive as Alex claims, it will be a fatal blow to your own product. Your healing powder brings in vast amounts of money every year, and you can't afford to lose that."

Riley casually examined his fingernails as he said, "Julie, aren't you being a little alarmist? Even if they do manage to produce this powder and get it onto the market, is it really such a wonderful product? How much competition can there be?"

Naysmith Healing Powder was one of Riley's most important products, and he had gone to a lot of effort to get it. The thought of its failure made him anxious, but he didn't want Julie to see how worried he was.

Julie took a deep breath and released it slowly as she prepared to reply. "I don't know much about Alex, but he treats Maryann well, and he wouldn't mess her around," she said. "I think he must be telling the truth about Golden Healing. Besides, Maryann is ready to invest a lot of money in its production. She wouldn't take that risk if the product wasn't any good. They also did an experiment as a demo, and our recording clearly has someone exclaiming about its miraculous healing properties." She shook her head. "I believe that it really could be as effective as they claim."

She paused for a moment before adding, "I also smelled the medicine, and it has a lovely scent. It really is extraordinary."

Riley frowned.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Julie said. She patted her pockets and withdrew a small container. "This is what's left of the powder that Alex used in the experiment. There are only trace amounts of the powder left, so he threw it in the garbage can. I retrieved it so that you could examine it."

She put the jar down on the table.

Riley narrowed his eyes as he looked at it. "So, that's it."

He leaned over and picked up the jar, his lip curling with disgust. The container looked cheap, and it had been thrown into the garbage can, so he was reluctant to touch it.

When he opened the lid, he instantly detected a powerful scent.

Frowning, he fetched a tissue. Then he lifted the jar, held it upside down, and tapped it gently, allowing tiny particles of powder to land on the tissue. There wasn't much of it, but it would do for testing.

He snapped his fingers, and a man walked over to stand beside him.

"Dawson, cut the palm of your hand," Riley ordered. "Just a small cut will do."

Without saying a word, Dawson pulled out a dagger and sliced the blade along his palm. He didn't even flinch, just stood there stoically, waiting for further instructions.

"Hold out your hand," Riley told him. Then he lifted the tissue and shook the powder onto the wound, making sure it was covered.

He wanted to see just how strong Golden Health was, and he doubted it was as powerful as Alex claimed. He had never heard of a medicine that could stop bleeding in one minute, and he didn't believe it was possible.

After two minutes, Riley wiped off the bloodstained powder, revealing the mark left by a wound that had already healed.

"Oh!" Julie exclaimed, clearly surprised.

Dawson was stunned, unable to believe what he was looking at.

Riley leaned closer, examining Dawson's hand and frowning. He dropped the tissue and stood up. "What are we going to do about this?" he asked.

"We need to get our hands on this secret recipe at all costs," Dawson said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Once we have it, we'll make a fortune, and it'll let us expand the business. People in the martial arts world will pay any price for this kind of medicine. Imagine what they could do if they didn't have to worry about injuries."

He grinned and rubbed his hands together. "If I were acting on my own, I would steal the recipe and sell it purely to martial artists. It's invaluable! But if Robinson Winery mass produces it, then it's only a matter of time until the secret gets out, and then we'll have lost the chance to make money."

Aware that Riley was watching him, he faked a cough. "Of course, that's just me speculating about how excited the martial arts community would be and how much they would pay for a treatment like this. Obviously, you're in charge, and I'll listen to you. It's completely your decision. Just tell me what you want done, and I'll see to it. If you want this Alex dealt with, then let me know, and I'll take care of it."

Riley chuckled and picked up his glass of wine, sipping at it. Then he sat back down and looked at Dawson. "I'll definitely have something for you to do later. But I'm aware of Alex and his abilities. He's smart, and he's powerful, so he won't be an easy opponent. If you decide to confront him, you'll be taking a risk." He shook his head. "No, wait for my orders. In the meantime, I need to speak to Julie."

Dawson nodded, and then he turned and left.

Julie stood quietly, feeling a little out of her depth as she waited for Riley to speak. Riley, Maryann, and Alex were all extremely powerful people, and now Julie was caught in the middle of their battle. If she wasn't careful, their power struggle could destroy her.

But she had decided Riley was her best chance to get ahead, and she was determined to be useful to him.

Riley thought over his experiment with Dawson. There was no denying that Golden Health was effective, and he was determined to possess the recipe for it.

He and Alex were now enemies, but Alex was not yet on guard against him, so it was a good time to make a move. No matter how strong Alex was, his defeat was inevitable, because Riley refused to accept anything less.

It wasn't even about the money; it was about beating Alex. Riley intended to ensure the man's failure, even if that meant letting Golden Health disappear forever.