
Ch 1013 - Word Gets Around In Little Italy

After the crew received a list of locations where Riley could be hiding Flora, Debbie and Yvonne split up on their own.

They hopped into Yvonne's car and pondered which of the two locations they should go to first.

Debbie scrolled on her phone, looking through the shops and stores in Baltimore's historic Little Italy. "I think he has more places to hide in Little Italy. We should start there. Who knows? Maybe the pineapple will leave the building sooner rather than later."

Yvonne revved the engine. "I hope that's the case."

The tiny car bolted through the streets of Baltimore until they reached a quaint part of the city adorned with old buildings and strings of popcorn lights.

After Yvonne parked the car, she and Debbie walked down a street lined with green, white, and red flags. Yvonne tilted her head. "Feel like you're back in Europe?"

Debbie sighed. "Not quite."

She looked around. "Alright, let the investigation begin. Where should we start?"

As her stomach grumbled, Yvonne saw a sign for Gio's Gelato. She licked her lips. "Maybe we should scope out the gelato shop?"

Debbie latched her arm around Yvonne's. "Perfect. I was thinking the same thing."

The bell above the front door rang as the two women stepped into Gio's Gelato. The shop was small. A short counter stood in the middle of the store. Through the glass panels, one could see every flavor of gelato known to humankind.

Yvonne peered down at all of the creamy goodness before her eyes until a gruff voice startled her. "What do you want?"

The tall, bulky man standing behind the counter glared at her.

Yvonne immediately recognized him. It was Giovanni Rosatti. The famous Baltimorean owned and operated Gio's Gelato. Despite the shop's pleasant reputation, many claimed that Giovanni had a shady past.

Giovanni wiped his hands on his apron. "Can I help you, or are you just gonna gawk at me, kid?"

Debbie pushed Yvonne to the side. "Sorry, Giovanni."

Upon seeing Debbie, the man's face lit up. "If it isn't Baltimore's Sweetheart, Debbie Clifton! What can I do you for, Deb?"

After tossing a lock of dark hair over her shoulder, Debbie pointed down at the glass covering the frozen treats. "Well, I'm watching my figure, but my friend here will have two scoops of chocolate." She tilted her head toward Yvonne. "It's the best flavor in the shop."

Yvonne whispered into Debbie's ear. "Since when do you know Giovanni Rosatti?"

Debbie cupped her hand around her mouth. "He's an old friend."

Giovanni handed Yvonne the gelato, and she gave him her credit card.

Debbie leaned over the counter, batting her eyelashes. "So, Giovanni, I actually came here to ask you a question."

Giovanni's eyes gleamed with kindness as he smirked at the woman. "Anything, princess. What's up?"

Debbie rested her head on her hand. "I was wondering if you've heard… anything recently."

Giovanni raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean by anything?"

Sensing the change in Giovanni's demeanor, Debbie stood up straight. "I've heard some rumors, Gio. Rumors that Riley Naysmith was setting up shop in Little Italy."

Hearing Riley Naysmith sent a chill down Giovanni's spine. His nostrils flared. "Excuse me?"

Debbie raised her hands. "Hey, it's just what I heard. Don't shoot the messenger."

Yvonne stood to the side, her eyes wide open as if she were watching a movie. The gelato was the equivalent of her popcorn. She snacked eagerly.

Giovanni shuffled around the counter, clutching Yvonne's receipt and credit card. He shoved his hand in Debbie's face. "If Riley Naysmith ever shows his face around Little Italy, he'll be a dead man. Ya hear me? Dead! I've dealt with many cutthroat, barbaric men in my day, but I'm not dealing with a psychopath like Riley Naysmith. What he did to this city was disgusting."

Debbie gently pushed his hand out of her face. "Understood. But, if he were to weasel his way into Little Italy, who, if anyone, would know?"

Giovanni looked Debbie up and down. "You know Adriana Ferrini? She makes homemade pasta and sells it on Etsy."

Keeping her composure, Debbie coolly nodded. "I've heard of her."

Giovanni walked forward a few steps in the direction of Yvonne. "She and Riley had a fling once. I know nothing about it, but word gets around in Little Italy. If anyone would have any dirt on Naysmith, it'd be Adriana."

Debbie knew she wouldn't get much else from Giovanni. She smiled kindly at the man. "Understood."

Giovanni shoved Yvonne's receipt and card into her empty gelato bowl. "Now get outta my shop."

Yvonne sheepishly grabbed her receipt and card. "Wait, uh, Mr. Rosatti."

He whipped his head around. "What do you want?"

Yvonne wiped the chocolate out of the corner of her mouth. "Where does Adriana live?"

Gio pursed his lips. "The Pisa Apartment Complex. Apartment 4b."

Debbie's smirk brought out the dimples on her cheeks. "Thanks, Gio."

The man grumbled as he waddled to the back of his shop.

Debbie and Yvonne silently walked out of the store, but as soon as the door closed behind them, Yvonne grabbed Debbie by the shoulders. "Oh, my gosh! That was the craziest thing I've ever seen!"

Debbie gestured toward the shop. "What? Giovanni? He's a softie. The whole tough guy thing is an act. I knew he'd give us all the information we needed."

Yvonne patted her friend on the back. "It was awesome. So, do you think Adriana Ferrini will have the pineapple?"

Debbie shot Yvonne a confused look. "The pineapple? Pineapples aren't Italian. Oh, wait! I remember. It's the phrase we'll use if we find Flora. Well, I'm not sure. I guess there's only one way to find out."

The two women walked through the streets of Little Italy until they came upon a shabby apartment building.

Debbie glanced up. "Alright. This is where Gio said to go, the Pisa Apartment Complex."

She grabbed the door and held it open for Yvonne. "You ready?"

Yvonne shuddered. "I don't know, Debbie. We're meeting Riley's ex-girlfriend. I'm a little nervous."

Debbie shrugged. "When I met Alex's last girlfriend, she claimed that I tried to murder her, then she stalked me, and after that, she told Alex that she still loved him on live television."

Yvonne lowered her gaze as she walked through the door. "Touche."

The women crept down a beat-up hallway. Water stains painted the popcorn ceiling above them.

The wallpaper peeled off the walls.

At the end of the hallway stood apartment 4b. The two women stood outside the door.

Yvonne elbowed Debbie. "Okay, you knock."

Debbie rolled her eyes. She gently knocked on the door.

A small, mousey voice emerged from the other side. "Uh, who is it?"

Debbie leaned forward. "Hi, there. This is Debbie Clifton. I'm here with my friend, Yvonne Wheeler. We're looking for Miss Adriana Ferrini."

The door cracked open, and on the other side stood a small, timid-looking woman with wiry brown hair. Her eyes lit up when she saw Debbie. "Oh, wow. You really are Debbie Clifton." She opened the door all the way. "Why do you need to see me?"

Debbie smiled warmly at the young woman. "We're here to ask you some questions."

Yvonne peaked out from behind Debbie's shoulder. "About Riley Naysmith."

The excitement on Adriana's face disappeared. "I don't know anything about Riley. Not anymore."

Debbie furrowed her brow as she focused on the woman. "What do you mean?"

Adriana scratched her arm. "Would you two like to come in? I can explain."

She stepped to the side and invited Debbie and Yvonne in.

Debbie strolled into the living room as Yvonne followed behind. It was a simple setup. Adriana didn't have much decoration other than a sad, tiny vase of flowers on a coffee table with a broken leg.

She motioned for Debbie and Yvonne to sit on the couch. Both women did.

Adriana rubbed the back of her neck, fearful to look Yvonne and Debbie in the eye. "Riley and I had a little fling. I had just gotten out of high school. I was young and impressionable. I didn't have much going for me, and Riley made me feel special."

Debbie nodded. "I see."

Adriana reached out. "But it only lasted two months. It fizzled out before it became anything serious. He moved on. I had no idea about the super soldiers. I would have never been with someone like that, honestly."

The poor woman trembled as she spoke. Tears pricked in her eyes.

Debbie could tell she was telling the truth. She leaned forward, but before she could say anything, Yvonne grabbed the woman's hand. "It's okay, Adriana. I believe you."

Debbie nodded in agreement. "Me too. I just have to ask. Have you heard from him at all recently?"

Adriana shook her head as she wiped tears from her eyes. "No, I haven't. It's been years. I wouldn't know how to contact him if I wanted to."

Debbie sighed, looking the woman in the eye. "We recently received a lead that told us Riley may be holding someone hostage in Little Italy."

Adriana gasped. "That's awful." Then, she sat up straight. "I can help you. Let's go around and ask if anyone has seen anything suspicious. I'm familiar with a lot of the locals. They may be willing to tell me more information."

Debbie and Yvonne both smiled.

Yvonne grasped the woman's hand. "Let's do it."


Across the city, in Seaport Storage, Justin and Lincoln lay unconscious in the storage unit.

Justin's eyes slowly fluttered open, but he saw nothing. Then, he noticed he was lying on top of his grandfather. That's when he remembered everything. Alex's stupid little friend knocked him out.

He shook his grandfather's shoulder. "Gramps, wake up."