
Academic studies

The first day went like it did in the novel. Me being in class wouldn't really change the lessons, so I don't know what you guys were expecting. Fang Yuan didn't do much and we learned about refining.

My slave might be a mortal, but that doesn't mean he doesn't need to know about the basics of Gu. I had a small chat with the academy elder and he agreed to let my slave come to a few of the lessons in exchange for 50 primeval stones. Like I already mentioned, I am pretty rich, so 50 isn't that big of a deal to me.

He was given permission to enter the academy, but he wouldn't be given an allowance and wasn't allowed to even associate himself with other students. It's kinda interesting just how racist these people can be towards their own kind!

I would get it if my slave was scary... Well he is like a 1.7 meter tall hunk of muscles with enough strength to rip a boa- let's forget about what I was saying for now. My brother doesn't get an allowance! I might be rich, but that doesn't mean I am generous or rich enough! Anyone could use a little extra 3 primeval stones a week.

Also, my classmates are all weirdos. Mo Bei kept staring at me for the entire day, with a smug grin on his face and even shook his fists at me a couple of times. I have beaten up multiple Gu masters. Did that dumbass actually think he could beat me now because he had like 20% more primeval essence than me?

Some people are more retarded than people with actual mental retardation and it makes me feel sad just thinking about how I know one such person! A sudden shout attracted my attention and I turned a bit towards the left and saw Chi Cheng talking down to some of our classmates, who have C grade talent. Okay 2 such people.

"I am not such a great person! I am merely an average guy. The only special thing about me is my aptitude and my hard-working attitude!" I sighed deeply as I heard Fang Zheng talk "small" and "humble". Make that 3 people.

I'm starting to feel bad for Fang Yuan. How the hell did a grown man from earth keep his san-, not get influ-. I've got nothing! Today has been nothing but me realizing how annoying everyone here is and being tongue-tied! You know what? Fuck em!

I feel like pogging on some people and Fang Yuan taking first place and winning the refining and cultivation contests will be fun enough! I'll take the 2nd place and flex on Fang Zheng. I might also antagonize Fang Zheng a little bit. I'll leave this shitty village as soon as I reach rank 3. There is nothing Unique or special about this place and I don't give two shits about it! Might as well have some fun before the destined journey.

I will allow Fang Yuan to find the Liquor Worm Gu tonight after he buys the bamboo wine and will let him keep it. What do I need it for? I have the unparalleled system at my disposal!

I can just buy the Gu for 30 points or not buy it at all! Who said I needed a worm to become a god! now that I have my plans sorted, I guess it is about time for third period to begin.

A couple of hours have passed and we finished all the subjects for today. They teach the concept of Gu worms quite well and even teach stuff like math, refining and Gu properties. The academy is actually quite useful to me.

A small after-school hunt later and I headed out to find Fang Yuan and give him my liquor worm and the Flower Wine Monk's inheritance. He didn't suspect a thing and refined it, discovering his Cicada and I just ignored him afterwards.

I also realized my slave desperately needs a vital Gu and found a special Gu he will most definitely need. It is a special kind of Gu I like to call dominant. Dominant Gus' are the ones, that get evolved rather than get used as a resource, but I didn't choose it because of that. Rank 1 is all my slave needs. Hell, it's all he can use!

The rank 1 version's name is Bone Restructuring Gu. It doesn't do much, it's only effect is absorbing the bones of other creatures and using them to refine the master's bones. This is perfect for my slave! All he will need to do is hunt strong beasts and use strength enhancing Gus'.

I went to the academy the next day and wouldn't you know it, The rankings for the refining contest came out. It was quite fun watching Fang Zheng realize he lost to his brother. I got 4th place, barely above Chi Cheng.

I Didn't care about the ranking thing and completely ignored it. My Gus' will always come pre-refined and any other Gu I acquire I can just sell to my system. 5 years spent on refining who?!

The first lesson was Gu practice. We were going to learn how to use our newly refined Moonlight Gus'. The practice went about as well as I expected it to go.

Short version, I ducked! You might think "How hard is it to shoot something, that goes in a straight line?" and you'd be comply wrong! This think goes in an arc! It curves! Shooting these moonblades is so counterintuitive I don't even get it! Why does it curve?!

I have thrown frisbees before, but this is more like throwing a sickle, than a frisbee. I need to practice a lot to get this down. The day ended with the shady guy selling those grass puppets and me realizing that job is very lucrative. The people are too scared of the forest to go practice there and making grasspuppets is so easy I can make like 10 a day!

Still, I don't meed grasspuppets to practice! I will go practice this moonblade in the most effective way possible! During life or death battles between me and nature! me and my brother ate a bit of food after school and went out hunting! Well first is the Vital Gu refining.

Our first destination was my parents house, as we needed to pick up the bear bones from our feast. My mum still had them. She didn't understand what we needed them for, but she gave them to us. The next step is explaining my idea to Chun Jack.

Next destination, the southern forest! We arrived in like an hour and it was time to explain my idea. I suddenly stupped and turned towards my brother with Gu in my hand and said "Slave, this master has promised you strength and it is time to make good on my promise. Even some mortals have Vital Gu's, so you are no exception to this rule. I will gift you your very own Vital Gu. You are not allowed to touch it after refining or replace it! Is that clear?!"

Chun Jack nodded and I handed him the small bone, which looked like it belonged to a rat. I don't know why, but this Bone Restructuring Gu looked like a rat's thighbone. Don't ask me how I know what a rat's thighbone looks like!

He gracefully accepted it and was surprised at how he instantly refined it. Oh ya, my system's Gus' are pre-refined. You can use them as soon as you buy them. I just told my slave that I pre-refined it for him and he was welcoming of that answer. Pre-refining is an actual profession in this world, so it is quite normal. I learned that from the academy!

"What Gu is this?" I could understand the confusion. My brother is smart, but there are hundreds of possibilities for what a Gu worm can do. "This is called a Bone Restructuring Gu. It is rank 1 and can only do 2 things. Number one is eating bones once every week, two is remodeling your bones after the highest quality meal you have given it."

I could see the glint in his eyes and smiled. He understood what I meant and understood the significance of the GU. I took out the bear bones from my pocket and handed it to my slave.

He, of course, couldn't just chew them and eat them. That is idiotic and might even injure his throat. The dumb bone restructuring Gu also requires you to eat the bones directly and feed it that way, so we could only get creative and figure out a way to help him swallow the bones.

Turning them into bine powder isn't an option, as we need to feed the Gu bones, not calcium. Kinda weird how this dumb feeding system work to be honest.

Chun Jack suddenly snapped his finger and said "We need to feed it a certain amount if bones each week and it's ability is to remodel my bines and make them as strong as the highest quality bone I have eaten!"

I nodded my head and was kinda confused. Where is he going with this? He just smiled and said "Doesn't that mean only a small portion of the bones I feed it need to belong to the bear?"

My eyes lit up, as I finally realized what he was talking about and he said "Now, who wants to go wrestle boars with me?" He smiled along with me and we both now knew what he was implying.