

meet debby, a blonde white girl, then her best friends, devi and dido both brown girls, they all seemed like a normal teens but they are more than just normal teens

odaannabellokonkwo · 若者
23 Chs


malcolm just kept staring at the officer

officer tina : Excuse me ,are you malcolm kings?

malcolm: oh yes,yes I am, you said you were looking for debby?

officer tina: Yes debby tina .

malcolm: Just wait a minute my wife will be down soon.

officer tina: you're married, aren't you guys too young for that.

malcolm: aren't you young to be a cop and we are fully aware of the facts thank you very much.

officer tina:Well actually I'm older i just look young, congratulations anyways.

malcolm: Wait how old?

officer tina: I'm almost 30.

malcolm:Wow I am so sorry, you look so young, that's cool.

just then debby came out .

malcolm : officer this is debby my wife.

debby:Hi officer tina I heard.

officer tina:Yes ,I see you two are going out so I won't take your much of your time.

debby: Do you want to come in .

officer tina:No thanks, I just want to ask you if you know a miss Syria Jones, we were told she was last seen at your birthday party.

debby: Wait last seen, well yes Syria did come to my birthday party but she left after causing a scene.

officer tina: What kind?

debby: Well for starters she just came to mock me for being pregnant and gave me a gift.

officer tina: what kind of gift?

malcolm: A tiny coffin, she said it was for the baby, then debby became mad but she couldn't do or say anything because she blacked out and we had to take her to the hospital.

Officer tina:So everything was happening in the party?

malcolm:No we dragged her out cause she was trying to cause a scene so all this happened outside in garden, we will love to stay and answer all your questions but we have to go.

officer tina: Sure but can I have your friend's address, people say you were all together.

debby: Yes we are always together, got a pen and paper

officer tina gave debby a pen and paper and she wrote the address and then locked the door and left in their car ,officer tina went back to the cop car that was parked there.

officer max: any luck.

officer tina: Not really (she starts the car)

officer max: where are we going?

officer tina: you'll see.

they drove off.

At the salon debby had her hair shaved ,malcolm wanted to do it with her but she said no ,after that they went to the hospital.

Doctor's office

malcolm: so how's she?

doctor: the fact that she has cancer and pregnant at the same time and this strong, I say she is okay but she needs to stay in the hospital for some close eyes.

Debby: But why ,I'm good at home, I don't need to stay here.

malcolm: babe listen to the doctor and besides I'll be here with you, you don't need to worry.

debby: I'm not worried, I just hate hospitals,doc can't you just arrange a nurse to stay with me at home.

malcolm:I'm not sure they can do that.

doctor: Well we can but it's better she stays here.

debby: no I don't want to.

doc : we will then send a nurse home daily for check ups .

debby: thank you so much doc.

Doc : Mr kings, is she taking her medication,

malcolm: Yes she does, I give it to her myself.

doc: Good.

malcolm: we're gonna get going now,so thanks doc.

malcolm gave the doctor a hand shake and they left.


Debby: hmmm Let's go to devi's

malcolm: okay ,Sure why not.

they drove off, at devi's house they police arrived and knocked and devi opened.

officer tina: I'm officer tina that's my partner officer max in the car

devi : Okay cool,what do you want?

officer tina: I'm investing on Syria's case and I have a few questions for you and your friends.

devi: I'm sorry but who told you where I lived?

officer tina: Your friend debby did.

devi: oh debby sent you here, well come on in then ,want some coffee or something.

tina was confused but she came in anyways.

devi : this is my friend didi,her boyfriend Nathan and my girlfriend Sabrina.

they all said hi and devi went to the kitchen and made coffee for the officer, everywhere was quite for a while, then minutes later devi came with the coffee and gave it to the officer.

officer tina: Thanks

devi : ( smiles) so you said you had some questions, shoot.

officer tina: Uh okay so rumour has it that you guys were the last people to see Syria that night.

devi : Ya that bitch had a lot to say but we didn't get to reply her cause we had to take debby to the hospital.

officer tina: Yes so I've heard , any other thing you want to tell me, any of you.

devi : No I believe I speak for all of us ,when I say there's nothing else to say.

officer tina: Well thanks for the coffee

devi : it's okay,you're always welcome to come back anytime.

officer tina: hmm thanks I'll be going then.

devi: Sure OKay.

devi walked officer tina to the door and as she opened it there was debby and malcolm.

devi : hey ( she hugged her) didn't know you coming.

debby: wanted to surprise you all.

officer tina: miss debby, how was the doctor's appointment.

debby: Good.

officer tina: okay I'll be leaving now

They nod and the officer left, they went in and they all hugged and then sat,then debby removed her cap.

didi : ew my gosh you shaved your hair, but you look cute though.

Nathan: babe come on, really.

debby: It's okay Nat we're all used to her,so she says Syria is missing.

devi : Ya that's kind of sad.

didi : No fucking way, fuck her, she better be dead cause , cause, cause I'll kill her if she returns.

debby: (she smiles) As if ,you couldn't even kill a bug .

didi : I did

Nathan: you saved it and took it in as a pet .

didi : fine but I can kill a human, I killed a lot in my dreams.

debby: in your dreams,why are you dreaming about that, but that doesn't count anyways

didi: it does.

they all laughed.

didi: why are you all laughing.