
Innate Chaos Gods

[WPC DEC & JAN 2023-2024 [Fantasy] Entry!] [203,414 WORDS TILL NOW] INNATE CHOAS GOD series: All those who are not chaos gods are ants. Beings trying to climb the ladder shall never see the end and some shall never even know the existence of the ladder. The saints wailed knowing the truth and gods committed themselves to death. only beings born with chaos power shall ever rise to the top. Only chaos gods shall live in peace as nothing is stronger than them and they are always free. They have reached the end and are free to enjoy life. VOL 1|REPLACING SADNESS:INFINITE ENERGY GOD":(40,112 WORDS)[COMPLETED]The world was indeed new to me as I had understood about the basic outline through reading the book. I had come to this new world as a nobility with a powerful innate power. I build enough power to not be affected by worldly issues and then enjoyed life with worldly issues. It is time to enjoy life in another world. After all I am a rare, powerful and smart man. VOL 2|INFINTE REINCARNATION SAGE: ()[COMPLETED]|I, the innate being, created by the chaos god of reincarnation swear by my consciousness that I shall never ever bow down to any chaos being or chaos god. Even if I shall keep on reincarnating I shall keep on fighting for eternity. In front of the chaos god all are ants and I the ant shall stand against you. I am the infinite reincarnation sage. VOL 3|PATH OF THE TEACHER:[COMPLETED]An innate being born with the power of innate skill the path of the teacher. VOL 4| ALL INFORMATION:[COMPLETED]:Innate being with the power to know any information he wanted. He had the power of space and had the copy of all items he saw once in his life in this life and in every new life he was able to get the copy of the items in all the previous lives with a multiple. His body was maintained at peak state. VOL 5| TEN TIMES RETURN [COMPLETED]: Innate being with the power to have ten times things returned that has been consumed, given away or used. VOL 6| UNLIMITED TELEKINESIS: [COMPLETED]:The innate power I had was named unlimited telekinesis. I could lift anything and cut anything and manipulate anything using telekinesis. The specialty was that the more I used telekinesis, the more the limit of the telekinesis grew. VOL 7| ALL SENSING MADMAN: [COMPLETED]: Innate being reborn as an undercover. The madman Jack shall shake the world. VOL 8| UNLIMITED SOLDIER :[COMPLETED] The power of the innate being was nothing more than to create soldiers of any types he had wanted depending upon the information he had seen. He believed in himself more than anyone else. VOL 9| EXPERIENCE SKILL SYSTEM :[COMPLETED][>50000 WORDS] A being born with the power of the concept of growth and the concept of a pure soul being. He will fight to rise to the top VOL 10| CONCEPT BEING OF METAL: [COMPLETED] [>50000 WORDS]: Not all innate beings are born as innate and some become concept beings due to the concepts coming onto to some beings. The being will be able to reborn as their body will be destroyed and rebuilt to fit the situation and their conscious carrier destroyed as the concept carries the consciousness and hence they are immortal.

Albert_Tom_George · ファンタジー
118 Chs



The anger towards Jack was present but they were really not fools to try to disturb him. He tried to become strong and he was strong. Jack kept on releasing the knowledge but found that the universe had a limit. He could only continue with his own energy cultivation. The merit was nothing more than a transitional resource for him. He had decided to stay in the space and kept on practicing. He did not have much plan as the world view was destroyed. He always stood within the worldview until it became unnecessary. War was nothing new to him and he did not want to fight against multiple people again. He decided to leave this universe and search another universe. Although he would not be able to have an identity in the new world, he would still be able to get an identity in different manner. He decided to wait for the war. The decision depended on the war.

The war was something of the invasion type. It was a boring was and was not something unseen. Different space gates would be open and the beings of each universe will try to take over land and resources. The will of the universe will be attached to these living beings and would take over the universal will, bit by bit. The war was boring and Jack decided to take over the invasion.

Jack kept searching for free universes in this multiverse. It needed to be near these both universe and should also have life that is strong enough to start an invasion. Jack finally found one universe that had the perfect life. The world was a medieval world but one where the beings had completely different genes with the humans in this universe. Different humans have different genetic structure in different world. The reason they are called humans are nothing more than due to being similar to humans in the world where the term human came into being.

Jack went to the planet and became bigger than the planet and scared all the humans of the planet. He released a mark that will be imbued on all the beings and vitality will be infused onto their bodies and make them stronger for each bit of energy absorbed. The humans were forced to wait and prepare for war. Jack used time magic and made the star system's time speed up. He opened the gate to both the worlds. It was time to have a chess game.

General Brook and his army stood on the plains with their swords ready. The power of the world had increased and more did their power. The god had increased their power and had given them new lands. They were going to invade new worlds and he wanted to become stronger than other kingdoms. He wanted to take over more territories and make his kingdom stronger. He wanted to faster than other kingdoms. Although the war had reduced his kingdom still faced the problem of invasion. He stood with the swords of faith. His kingdom had faith in him and he could use the sword easily. The exchange list made by the god had a lot of energy condensed energy that could be used and exchanged. His king believed in him and so did the people. All the initial points were exchanged for the sword. He will kill all the enemies and get more points. He saw that the gate was open. He shouted to inspire all the people behind him. "For Ithaca.". He was happy to see all the soldiers react with a hearty roar. He let his lieutenant enter the space door to check for safety. He was waiting for the return of his soldiers. Each moment was infinitely expanded in his heart. He was happy to see the soldiers returning and showing the positive sign. He unsheathed his sword and ran and jumped through the space gate. He saw some iron blocks shooting rocks at the people. He saw that many of his soldiers were powerful but were outnumbered.

Brook took his sword and unsheathed his sword. The faith and his vitality poured into the sword. The sword started releasing the aura and started suppressing all the living beings. Many were dead but most were alive. The puppets were still fighting and I started shooting them down with the gun I was granted by the gods. I will take over this world.

The two wills of the universe were fighting over dominance. The reason for survival was nothing more than survival. The wills were fighting to take over the universe. They were fighting when they found that another universe attacked both of them. They had no choice but to retreat as they had to be sure of survival before everything. They fight to death to survive and they retreat to survive. They had the chance to take over other worlds, but what other method to let the world grow than a war.

The will of the universe looked at the beings that had invaded its universe. The beings were stronger than it's beings and the space crack was too strong to be blocked. The only thing that could be done was to either kill all the invaders directly or to directly strengthen the people. The will decided to erase these ants for now. It tried to erase but found that there was some power counterattacking its power. The will found that it had to either use all the power of the universe. The will decided to be steady in its actions.

The power of the world was not something that was easy to eliminate. Jack had created a universal array to the control the whole universe. The power of the universe was enough to drive against the other universes. He had decided to fight this war. The war was already there and there was nothing left to do. The programming he had written on the array would take care of the war of the universe. The universe would self-explode in case of the failure in the warfare. That would be more than enough to take care of the universe. He decided to leave the universe and leave for other worlds. He decided to leave for other universes.

Jack had tested the conditions of different universes and the civilizations before he found a right universe. This universe was different as it had something special about it. This universe had a natural barrier against the multiverse itself. Jack entered the world due to the speciality of the civilization. The human society here was much dependent on the wizards. There were no other kings or authorities. The wizard establishes their own forts and the town will be established around the fort as per the mood of the wizard. The dead wizards will still leave the fort and the town may or may not last. Most of the populace will stay around wizards. Jack created a big wizard fort and released a few thunderbolts to the sky to show off his power. He lay down on his fort. He created a town wall and waited for the people to come.

The people had gathered from many other places and the town was getting better. I had created the town and the building and created a currency system. I had created a magical AI to take care of the management. The town was growing steadily. I had create a wonderful town and was happily living there. The party was good and all the people enjoyed the party. I kept on observing the three universes. I smiled as the universe exploded and the other two accompanied it to death.