
Innate Chaos Gods

[WPC DEC & JAN 2023-2024 [Fantasy] Entry!] [203,414 WORDS TILL NOW] INNATE CHOAS GOD series: All those who are not chaos gods are ants. Beings trying to climb the ladder shall never see the end and some shall never even know the existence of the ladder. The saints wailed knowing the truth and gods committed themselves to death. only beings born with chaos power shall ever rise to the top. Only chaos gods shall live in peace as nothing is stronger than them and they are always free. They have reached the end and are free to enjoy life. VOL 1|REPLACING SADNESS:INFINITE ENERGY GOD":(40,112 WORDS)[COMPLETED]The world was indeed new to me as I had understood about the basic outline through reading the book. I had come to this new world as a nobility with a powerful innate power. I build enough power to not be affected by worldly issues and then enjoyed life with worldly issues. It is time to enjoy life in another world. After all I am a rare, powerful and smart man. VOL 2|INFINTE REINCARNATION SAGE: ()[COMPLETED]|I, the innate being, created by the chaos god of reincarnation swear by my consciousness that I shall never ever bow down to any chaos being or chaos god. Even if I shall keep on reincarnating I shall keep on fighting for eternity. In front of the chaos god all are ants and I the ant shall stand against you. I am the infinite reincarnation sage. VOL 3|PATH OF THE TEACHER:[COMPLETED]An innate being born with the power of innate skill the path of the teacher. VOL 4| ALL INFORMATION:[COMPLETED]:Innate being with the power to know any information he wanted. He had the power of space and had the copy of all items he saw once in his life in this life and in every new life he was able to get the copy of the items in all the previous lives with a multiple. His body was maintained at peak state. VOL 5| TEN TIMES RETURN [COMPLETED]: Innate being with the power to have ten times things returned that has been consumed, given away or used. VOL 6| UNLIMITED TELEKINESIS: [COMPLETED]:The innate power I had was named unlimited telekinesis. I could lift anything and cut anything and manipulate anything using telekinesis. The specialty was that the more I used telekinesis, the more the limit of the telekinesis grew. VOL 7| ALL SENSING MADMAN: [COMPLETED]: Innate being reborn as an undercover. The madman Jack shall shake the world. VOL 8| UNLIMITED SOLDIER :[COMPLETED] The power of the innate being was nothing more than to create soldiers of any types he had wanted depending upon the information he had seen. He believed in himself more than anyone else. VOL 9| EXPERIENCE SKILL SYSTEM :[COMPLETED][>50000 WORDS] A being born with the power of the concept of growth and the concept of a pure soul being. He will fight to rise to the top VOL 10| CONCEPT BEING OF METAL: [COMPLETED] [>50000 WORDS]: Not all innate beings are born as innate and some become concept beings due to the concepts coming onto to some beings. The being will be able to reborn as their body will be destroyed and rebuilt to fit the situation and their conscious carrier destroyed as the concept carries the consciousness and hence they are immortal.

Albert_Tom_George · ファンタジー
118 Chs


CHAPTER 26(38873-40091)

This world was different due to the presence of luck and the presence of gods. The king was the supreme authority and they would become gods if their kingdom has enough prosperity. It was interesting to find out that the gods also ruled kingdoms of their own to become stronger. There was a concept of innate god in this world and hence used the power to come to this world and hacked the heavenly consciousness of the universe. The universe wanted to evolve life to the scale of universe and decided to lay this layout. I made a new ai driven mechanism to replace the destroyed heavenly consciousness and killed the god king hades from this world. The other gods and kings heard the death of the god and was surprised. I announced through the mechanism that I had replaced hades.

I was the new king of this kingdom. It was interesting to find out that the jungles of this world were super spreadable. Each time the jungle was cut down, it would expand. The expansion was done by the heavenly consciousness to fill up the whole universe with land. It was indeed an interesting phenomenon where there would be no lack of resources and no wars due to land issue. I called the prime minister and taught them how to create bronze. I also called the general and gave him a more proper exercise regime to strengthen the soldiers and their discipline. The creation of bronze brought advancement to my kingdom. It did not take much time for the minister to come here. I gave him the ideas of agriculture and some methods of cultivating crops.

It was notable of the resistance of the people to leave hunting and gathering to agriculture. Only in this kind of world can such a civilization have a kingdom. My words were authority and they could do nothing else. I forced the people to learn martial arts and better fighting techniques. More and more success occurred in hunting and gathering. This kingdom is mine and there is no need for money. I unified resources and distributed to all the people. Communism was better when one person's word was above all.

I gave them the technology of weaving clothes and the technology of iron making. All other technologies was also given to make them stronger. The army had become much stronger. Making paper was easy, but the harder fact was to teach them the unified language and the script of the language. My kingdom was becoming more and more civilized. Concepts, ideas, philosophies and mathematics was spread in this kingdom by me. It was indeed interesting to note that people were trying to be grateful. These animals still has to grow.

It took two hundred years for my kingdom to reach medieval years. The ideology of the people was problematic to change but it did occur. It was interesting to note that the people were getting smarter and stronger. They started questioning the divine authority of the king. I told the truth bluntly that strength is king. Sadness was visible to the people and I had no choice to restore the monetary system and to restore the class system. The idea that they could become one below the king and one above all was more than enough for them to get out of this sadness.

It was five hundred years since my coming to this world. I had showed to this world that I was stronger than all the gods and hence they dare not stand against me. The only possibility they had to fight against me was to have a better kingdom. Although there were no traitors, they still got many technologies by imitating the technology of my kingdom. My kingdom had reached something similar to interstellar age. The problem was that the land had expanded extremely long.

I was enjoying the food made of energy when the idea came to me. The body of mine was created using mass and mass and energy can be converted. I cannot summon infinite energy into my body due to the fact that my body will be destroyed. I dare not release truly infinite energy due to the possibility of variable arising. The most logical thing was to have a purely energy body and let my purely energy body where I resided to have actual infinite energy. I destroyed this universe and started relaxing in the void. I converted the matter on my body to pure energy and then increased the energy to true infinity. It finally happened. Finally, I was a truly infinite being. I condensed my body into a matter body. I extended my body to truly infinite dimensions. My body was strong as infinity and had the power of infinity. My body also had infinite energy. There was no more reason to grow as I was an infinite being. I tried touching the void and could feel it. I tore through the void to go to the other side. I saw the real truth. It was chaos. There were no numbers, here, no infinity here. Even infinity was just a concept. The beings here were chaos gods. Below chaos gods all are ants. Even infinity was an ant. I suddenly converted all my energy into chaos energy. At least I was a chaos being and will not be killed suddenly. I performed the same operation and made my body condensed with chaos energy turned into matter. I was a chaos god. My body had infinity chaos energy and body was strong as per chaos. Finally, I could rest from climbing the infinite stairs as I had reached the end. But it seemed that I was not alone.

I was in the chaos not knowing what to do. I did what naturally came to mind and create few void that isolated the effects of chaos and created infinite multiverse. I let it pass by infinite time and still there was no infinite being. it is a sad thing to see. It seems only chaos god or chaos items can give rise to chaos gods. I was mostly likely lucky to have chaos god energy. I saw a lot of chaos beings. I could indeed kill them immediately if I wanted. Most likely I was lucky so as not to be killed. I came across some chaos gods and all of them were polite to me and I was polite to them. Chaos gods rarely interact with each other. A fight will last forever and an affair will last forever and the chaos gods don't want to be bound by anything. There are no rules here and no logic. I saw some funny cartoon types being born and I also saw some being like Cthulhu. I could enjoy my life as much as wanted but was not interested in it. I destroyed all the clones without collecting any leftover information. I started collecting all the knowledge and information I had and started studying. I don't want to absorb infinite knowledge and have all the possible possibilities to be known to me and to know about all possibilities in reality and in truth. It may destroy me in consciousness. The only thing left for me was to study like this for eternity.

I will be writing more novels of the series Innate Chaos Gods that tells the storeis related to being becoming Chaos Gods or those who have been born innately as Innate Chaos God. hope you have liked this story. Different stories will have different direction of development. This novel was in the direction of the chaos god's thought and the development of chaos gods' thought process. Different protogonists will have different lives and different characters. Not all chaos gods are bad and there will be some chaos gods who still follow the morality of humans. Chaos gods is a new concept put forth by me.

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Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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