
chapter 1

I walked into the classroom and saw a male teacher standing there, oh how I hate males.

"Oh, hey new student come and introduce yourself"he said shinning his yellow tooth I felt disgusted but still have a smile

"Hi my name is Ava,nice to meet you"I said smiling "Nice to meet you too"They chorused

"You can have your dear" The teacher told me and I continued teaching I saw a seat at the back andi decided to seat there cause I liked sitting at the back I went there and sat. Later on the teacher left and three boys came inside and were walking towards my me .Two of them sat on a sit before mine while the last came to my sit and tapped on my table

"What's your name"he asked me

"My name is Av...."

"Ugh, I don't wanna know but you should probably change your seat because I don't like when people seat beside me " he interrupted me before I could finish

I smiled and said " my name is Ava you need to know because you asked and also your name was not imprinted on this seat differ, I like this place and I'm not changing because of a forget it"I said and placed my head on the desk

"Miss or whatever you call yourself I'm being polite cause I don't wanna harm you leave now before I get angry and do something you will not like" I raised my head and looked at him after his boring speech

"Fine"I said and stood spreading my arm " do what I won't like Mr" I said blinking my eyelashes

"Uggh" he said and walked away. I sat down and placed my head on the desk when someone tapped my table again

"What"I raised my eyes to see a female glaring at me without saying anything

"Do you guys really like hitting someone's table or what and stop glaring at me you can't...go on why are you here"I asked her

"Hey I'm the queen of this schooland that guy you were rude to was my boyfriend the popular Daniel West from the West Family and I don't like it when people talk to him rudely especially someone like you"she said looking at me hatefully

"Where's the crown queen or are you an imaginary self made queen in movies and so what I was just being nice to your king or prince whatever"I said to her already feeling bored of her noise

"Did you just call me an imaginary self made queen"she said looking irritated

"Uh huh"I smiled nodding my head

"Girls hold her down"she said to her to minors and the two looking bitch came forward to hold me down

I yawned "if I were you I wouldn't do that, have you ever wondered why my bag is this big I" I asked them showing them my bag

"Don't worry you don't have to think too much I will tell you why it's because I'm mad and I can do mad things "I said smiling

"I said hold her down"Their leader said to them

One of them came forward and tried touched to me. And that was it the last straw broke I hate being touched I took her hand and twisted it to the back and she started crying when her friend came to touch me and I kicked her and she fell on the floor crying for help I kept twisting the other girl's hand

"I'm sorry please let me go "she cried begging me

"No I won't i told you I was a psycho didnt I "I said and continued twisting her hand when I saw their leader trying to run

"If I were you I wouldn't do that come back here queen"I shouted at her furiously and she ran back to where I was

"Good, now kneel both of you"I said to them and the both knelt "you too fool"I said referring to the girl whose arm I was twisting and let go of her arms.

I opened my bag and brought out a rope and smiled I looked at their faces and saw their terrified looks

*Don't get scared I won't beat you with it okay now smile"I said and they smiled forcefully

"Come forward queen "I said and she came forward

"Good I love it when people listen now tie this on your waist "

"What" she retorted

"What did you just do huh, don't worry I know it's a mistake right"I smiled at her

"Yes"she nodded her head

"Good, go on"I said and she tied the rope on her waist and I called the two minors to join her.

"Wow you guys will look good if you were beggars,now go frog jump in the school field"I said to them

"Yes ma'am"They said and started working away

"Nah, you start from here fools"I said to them smiling.

They frowned when I said that but quickly changed their expression and started frog jumping in the class and the whole class started laughing they felt embarrassed and tried to be faster when they all fell they stood up and continued till they left the class . I sat down on my seat and bent my head to sleep


"Ava"I heard my name and woke up. I looked around to see who called my name and saw it was a teacher and our wonderful queen with her minors

"Yes you called me "I stood up and looked at the teacher. His mouth was left opened when he saw me and shock was written on his face he managed to get himself back and said

"Princess Ava you are here ho...."he said and collapsed