

#Chapter24 DINNER

Christian was on the verge of panic. He says no but I can see it in the way he looks around and constantly fixes the collar of his jacket, as if that would prevent my parents from seeing his tattoos, it was seriously hilarious.

/"Calm down,/" I told him as I led him to the back of the house, my mother kneeling in front of a group of tulips that were her pride and my father trimming the bushes on the other side of the garden. My heart skipped a beat because they were too cute, like a magazine ad for the perfect couple.

For a few years my parents started wanting a nice garden to take care of, I guess that after the children grow up the parents don't know what to do with so much free time on their hands so they start having this kind of weekend activities.

Suddenly a whirlwind of brown and black hair shot out of who the hell knows where and pounced on Christian, licking his face that probably still smelled like chocolate cake.