


The place was across the street, I felt nervous because I was holding a carton with two coffees in one hand and Zeus' leash in the other and if the dog happened to go crazy again I would be full of boiling coffee.

We stopped in front of a small shop, the neon sign read the word Inked in cursive letters and below another small sign that said Tattoos and Piercing, the windows were tinted so you couldn't see inside. I let out a shaky breath because honestly people with tattoos scared me, at least the ones I'd met, I'm talking about those six-foot-tall guys with huge beards who looked like they were crushing bone with their teeth.

Charlotte opened the door for me to come in with Zeus and the first thing I could see was a tattooed woman behind the reception desk. She had blood-red hair, wore glasses, and seemed like there wasn't a single spot on her body that didn't have ink on it. She also gave me a dirty look when she saw me.

/"Who's the girl with you, Charlie?/" I frowned as rage began to stir inside me.

/"Excuse me, but if you're going to talk about me, I'd rather you do it with me and not with her./" The girl arched an eyebrow and Charlotte moved leaving the coffees on the desk, I did the same.

/"Careful Tina,/" Charlotte warned, /"she's my friend./"

The girl mumbled something that sounded like /"bitch/" and retreated through a door behind her, into what I assumed was an office.

/"Charlotte,/" interrupted a man who looked to be 30 or so, his hair was in a bun on top of his head and a bushy beard, he was also angry oh my god! I just came across what I was afraid of ‘’What’s a dog doing in my store?’’

/"Calm down Will./" She rolled her eyes and turned to me. /"This is Will, my boss and a pain in the ass.’’

/"Charlotte,/" he warned and I couldn't help but laugh, he gave me a dirty look but that only made Char join in the laughter.

/"Sorry Will,/" I said trying to keep my expression neutral. /"But Zeus is well trained and won't cause any trouble. Down boy!’’ I made a gesture with my hand and the dog obeyed by lying down on his stomach. /"I'm not staying anyway, I was just helping Char with the coffees./"

/"Coffee at last!/" I saw how Charlotte's cheeks lit up in a second, two boys came out of a room at the back, shoving each other and laughing, one was blond, tall and muscular, full of tattoos and the other had black hair and was quite thin, besides he had incredibly blue eyes. Well, I'm blushing too. /"Hello Charlie,/" the blonde-haired man said, putting an arm around my friend's shoulders. Interesting.

/"Well, hello,/" I turned to the guy with messy black hair and detail who had a pierced nose like me, as well as a cute white-toothed smile. He seemed to be the youngest here. /"And who are you?/"

/"I'm Brooklyn,/" I laughed when he took my hand like a gentleman and placed a kiss on it, /"I'm friends with Char./"

/"Interesting, I didn't know you had female friends Charlie./" She rolled her eyes and pushed him away.

/"Yeah and you'd better stay ten meters away from her if you want to keep your penis functional, Dylan./" I laughed again and a movement to the right caught my attention.

And then I saw it.

A man appeared from what appeared to be a hallway, he was really tall and damn muscular, one of his arms could easily be my leg! His hair was golden, as was the two-day stubble that covered his cheeks. He was wearing faded blue jeans, a black shirt with the club's logo on it, and heavy black boots. I swallow hard before moving my gaze to his face, full lips, outlined nose and golden, almost yellow eyes, as well as mentioning the fact that he was fully tattooed. He looked like a man made of gold and ink.

His right arm was completely tattooed with what appeared to be an incredibly colorful dragon that wound around his arm and I imagined it would continue to other parts of his body. And the left one only had something written in cursive letters but I couldn't see what it said.

He walked a couple of steps without looking at anyone in particular, conversations going on around me but I couldn't hear or see anything but him. He walked over to the desk, took one of the coffees I'd brought, and looked at me for a second that felt like a thousand hours, then turned around and walked back the way he came.

Who the hell was he?

I looked at the rest and the three men were having a quiet conversation on the counter absent of everything that had just happened but Charlotte was looking at me carefully with her eyebrows raised, I wanted to ignore her and get out of the conversation that I probably wasn't ready to face so I I said goodbye to everyone and ran out of that place with the golden eyes of that man fresh in my memory.

I didn't know why, but i had a feeling everything was going to change.

I saw her before she entered the premises, I thought she was incredibly beautiful, small and so fragile. Her hair was white although I'm sure her natural color is brown, her skin was so pale and without any trace of ink, her eyes were light blue and her lips were big and pink. She was beautiful and she shouldn't be in a place like this, she doesn't belong here and that goes without saying. I saw her laugh with Will and that idiot boy Dylan and I don't know why but her laugh caused a good feeling inside of me, I found myself looking at her every time she smiled and thoughts that came out of nowhere told me to show up for let her see me.

I wanted her to speak to me in that soft voice of his and smile at me in the same way.

So I walked out and I knew she was looking at me, I tried hard not to look at her but I had to at least once and she was shocked, probably terrified by my size and my tattoos. So I left. I heard her say goodbye and walk out the door and I sighed because I knew I would never see her again.