
901 Sociability

Petros looked off to his left, where the party was still going on in the main areas of the Gentlemen's Club.

"We should really get back to the party before they start to gossip and make up theories about who you really are. I swear, the bored Noble Class has nothing better to do with their time than to spread rumours. 

I will arrange for you and your people to attend the skills seminars, so don't be in a hurry to leave the city. Enjoy the parties, the Auction if you can find seats, and whatever else you desire here in town for the next week, and then I will be back to see you." The old man informed Wolfe with a deep frown for all the extra work today had brought him.

He opened a portal to the main party hall, and the pair walked back out with whisky glasses in hand and fake smiles on their faces for the local Nobles.