
836 Just Ask

There was an uncomfortable pause as most of the people in the audience realized that the questions that they wanted answered were not the sort of thing that you should speak of in public.

Asking the Coven Leader if she was having an illicit relationship with a Magi Saint, or with her longtime friend Mary, wasn't exactly the height of political correctness. Especially when the Coven Leader was in a complex political marriage.

But the other questions, about how she had ended up with the new Fae Advisor, and what exactly caused this sudden decision to make a complex arrangement not only with Forest Grove, home of Magi, Mutants and Exiles, but with Gormana, a human nation on the far side of the continent.

There had to be some cause to it, but the question itself was a delicate one, as none of them were willing to risk angering or insulting the Coven Leader.