
814 Reunion

Once everyone was in their respective rooms and the spells were activated to soundproof them and insulate them from outside prying eyes, Reiko activated the hidden panel between her room and that of both her new Advisor and Wolfe.

"Nobody but the Coven Leader and a few select others know that these doors exist, so I must swear you to secrecy. Now, where is my hug?" Reiko asked when Wolfe stepped through into her room.

"I knew you wouldn't hold out forever. It's good to see you again. How is the married life treating you?" Wolfe laughed.

"You have no idea. First off, they're all spoiled rich sons with a sense of superiority because they were raised to be trophy husbands, and then the Slave Bond that was put on the during the ceremony makes them fawn all over me in the most disgusting way.

Then to top it all off, you stole Mary away to play with the bunnies. I want to play with the bunnies too." Reiko whined, while her Advisor tried not to laugh.