
619 Lost Funds

Once the Steward's footfalls had faded, the Intelligence Minister smiled at Wolfe.

"So, did you corner him on his behaviour or did he corner you demanding that the spell be lifted? It's no secret that he's a pervert and much too fond of punishments. His behaviour when you mentioned the finding spell was interesting, though."

Rail nodded. "You would have expected him to feel vindicated when his books matched in and out, but he didn't, which strongly suggests that he knew that the amount of incoming money on the books didn't match the amount that was allocated."

The Intelligence Minister smiled. "We have a new Finance Minister because the previous one was elevated to the position of personal advisor to the King. He noticed the discrepancy the first week he was making distributions.

Both of them are cooperating with the head Investigator, so it will be interesting to see who is thrown under the cart in the end."