
597 Morning Meetings

Wolfe sat in his new apartment for a few hours after Rail left, just trying to work out what he was going to do tomorrow. He would feel a lot better if he could just contact someone and let them know where he was and that he was relatively safe, but there didn't seem to be a way to do that, and the bonds were just as suppressed here as they were in Faerie.

Though, he did get a vague sense of Cassie and Ella from here, so perhaps it wasn't fully blocked. If he could sense them, they should at least be able to tell that he wasn't dead or being tortured, that sort of agony would spill through the link even if you couldn't tell where the other partner was.

As he lay in bed, Wolfe worked on trying to establish the link between him and anyone back home, working through most of the night before he finally found some sort of success. It was only Cassie and Ella, but he could move a faint trickle of mana to them.