
393 Warm Welcome

The next morning started off smoothly with a lucky find of a wind deer, a hundred-kilogram antlered beast with a particularly pleasant flavour. It came close enough to the camp that Ella managed to get it with her magic, and then they cleaned and packed it up as a gift for the village after taking a few choice cuts for their own storage.


When the patrols around the village saw them coming with the animal slung over Wolfe's shoulders, the suspicion disappeared from their eyes, and they had nothing but warm greetings for the group.


"Have you come to trade then? I'm sure you know by now that all nomadic hunters are a welcome sight when they show up with a fresh kill." The patrol leader greeted them.


"That was what we were hoping for. We still need a few things that we can't make ourselves, and we've got cash as well if you're inclined toward that payment method." Wolfe agreed.