
392 Want To Be Found

None of the Witches bought Wolfe's excuse that the overload of mana was actually necessary. They didn't even entertain the thought for a second. But the awkward silence faded quickly after Justine unnecessarily straightened her skirts and steadied herself on her feet.


The girls chatted happily about anything and everything, and Ella gave Christa and Justine a basic rundown on how things worked in Forest Grove, but the concept of a city so heavily magical that money had basically become obsolete was a hard one to process.


"Think of it this way. Money has great value for items brought from the outside. But other than that, it's all about time. Everyone trades an equal amount of time to keep things operating, other than the children, so you could really say that we're all making the same wage. It's just that local items are so cheap that they're pocket change and not the majority of your income.