
1135 Downtime

The Pentacle members were more than capable of deciding for themselves what they would advise Wolfe on, so all he had to do was wait around and sort through the thousands of requests that they had gotten from the guardians and leaders when they were here for the Coronation.

Everyone had been taking notes, and those notes were intended to give them a decent idea of what regions of the world needed what sorts of improvements.

In theory, it was great, but in practice, Wolfe had not made anything resembling a complex enough chart to keep track of everything.

The obvious answer was to set up a map room. A planning area that was large enough he could make magical notes and put them over the map itself, colour coded by order of urgency and the type of issue.

Infrastructure, food, natural resources. Those were the three basic categories of concerns, then he colour coded them from green to red.