
1128 Coronation Day

Cassie tried not to laugh as a half hour later the trio came out of the room freshly showered and still casting refreshing spells on themselves so they would be ready for the evening's events.

"Oh, so you did survive. The guests have been looking for you all day, but we informed them that you were busy helping one of the Demons with an advancement.

Most of them aren't aware of the details, but the Lust Demons are, and everyone in the valley could feel the power overflow." She informed them.

"Hopefully, we didn't cause any incidents." Rail replied, blushing furiously as she thought about the sorts of incidents that an overflow of Lust energy from a Succubus' Rank Seven advancement could cause.

"Nothing violent or non-consensual, as far as we can tell. It was late enough at night that nearly everyone was in their suites when it started, and we filtered as much of it as we could before it spread to the castle.