
1113 Sharra

"Our final test for the head maid position is actually a basic one. We will give each of you a list of staff, with a few details and upcoming events. We wish for you to make a staff rotation, with details on the added tasks that will be needed for the maid staff to prepare.

As head maid, you will be responsible for most of the household servants, and for this scenario, we will assume that the other heads are unavailable, either due to illness or injury." Wolfe announced.

That was the most extreme case, but every Head Maid prepared for it because there were times that the other heads needed to be out of the manor for days at a time on their own duties, or would be off after childbirth or for illness.

The Pentacle members passed out the notes, which were all identical, and had been prepared during their overnight cram session.

There were four tests within this letter.

One was the actual ability to effectively schedule all departments skilled workers.