
1089 Survivors

While nearly everyone around him was kneeling under the oppressive force of Wolfe's unrestrained Aura, Cassie and Ella stood unaffected, as well as one undead woman who was slowly shambling forward.

Her gaze was unfocused, and her gait unstable, but she was headed straight for Wolfe with all the speed and grace of a hip replacement patient.


Noxus Patriarch. You lied to us." The undead stammered.

Wolfe waited as she stumbled out into the light and turned her face skyward for a few minutes before surrounding herself in magic.

The undead woman's face slowly returned to an approximation of healthy life, and her robes repaired themselves to reveal deep black witch robes in the same style that the witches still used for formal occasions.

"You lied to us Noxus Patriarch. You said you would be back with a surviving Saint to revive the Witches." She repeated.