
1072 Asmodai and the Saints

"You knew him personally?" Wolfe asked.

Asmodai nodded. "When he first came back from the Demon Realms, he spent a fair bit of time here, courting a young lady from our Family.

She was an Oracle, and knew that it could never work out, but he was a persistent one, as all Noxus men are known to be, and he kept trying to convince her that the short term would be worth the eventual parting.

He was going by Don Giovanni at that time, a personal affection of the older Magi, and he was quite possibly the smoothest talker that I had ever heard in my very long life. 

But that was the problem. He was entirely too adept at talking women out of their undergarments, and the Oracle saw through him like a freshly washed window. I can't say that it was unexpected, but I do admire the gall that it took to try anyhow.