
1065 Truth

Wolfe sat quietly as the video portion of the memory crystal ended, and it began to transfer compiled knowledge into his mind. 

These weren't visions that the Dark Elven King had seen, but his own memories of interactions with the Magi. Spells they had used, foods they liked, all sorts of random facts about Magi culture in general.

What it showed Wolfe was an oddly simple, almost ascetic culture, but so deeply steeped in magic that they weren't actually lacking anything, it only looked like it if you couldn't see the spells.

For example, they liked to make all their tables the same way that Wolfe did, out of simple stone, and then they would layer spells onto it to make it look how they wanted. But when they went out, they would deactivate the spells, so when the humans came into the room, or invaded Magi spaces, they saw a culture that was nearly primitive.