
1000 Is Gold

Once everyone was gathered for lunch in the crowded spire restaurant, Wolfe stood to address the crowd.

"Now, before we start, is there anyone who believes this opportunity is not for them, and would like to remove themselves from consideration? It is not too late to bring in a replacement from the backup lists that your leadership has prepared." Wolfe asked.

Every one of the thirty people shortlisted for the positions as Pentacle Members came from families who were strongly in support of this opportunity, and going home to tell them that you backed out on the first day voluntarily, without any pressure, would be completely unacceptable.

At first, some had thought that the Dark Fae might be the ones to withdraw, as they weren't known for their sociable natures, but they all seemed to have enjoyed their mornings, and the Fae had been careful not to pick anything like a Mimic or Boggart, who enjoyed messing with people much more than they feared consequences.