
Chapter 1: Supreme Planet Of Infinite Possibilities

In the future of this planet (God), which is divided by people into countless or ever-changing number of group and kinds of people whose belief is change and ever-changing to combine and unite the people has been attempted by many great and brave founder of formidable country or better called kingdoms,

As the planet is a unique existence in the universe as the planet or for better explanation is like two cylindericle ring in spiral form connect in infinity symbol with a ring like Saturn in narrow middle outer part and in the core middle of the planet is a unique star or it maybe part of planet as it is life of the planet which gives out unique light which is life itself it's doesn't burn in itself if someone goes near to sun they die naturally due to old age till they or anything are reduced to dust and slowly flowing into the sun.

This ring expand and narrows down unpredictably like the view of moon from earth, a planet so unique and unpredictable which has a history as old as creation as this is the first ever planet to have life which ultimately resulted in the life in the whole universe.

Some may even say this is God and people in it are just parasites or maybe just some cult's crazy theory. In this planet time is ever-changing as there is no fixed day and night or any periodical time or periodical occurs of natural environment here sometime life-span of people is fer few year or some may lived thousands of year or some die in few due to natural cause, weight of things may change and be different by tomorrow or the neighborhing kingdom which have been near as longed as people remembered may disappear and new neighborhood society which was farthest place possible from you may be next to your kingdom.

Which no fixed boundaries war are occurring almost every time to conquer and absorb the land mass into your kingdom to make it richer in nature as the land every land posses power of the sun which make one's land expand and not lose or break inthe process of movement of kingdoms,

Some are people maybe cursed having their size change everyday or some maybe have superpowers, some have developed a way to used thier internal energy to be a martial artist, some use ki,chi or even mana for arts, and who can forget the magical mages, some are gifted with mana, some in sword ,magic swordman art ,some use ghost, spirit,monster and even use unique beast with evolution which can be stored in ball shaped container and many natural attributes which are still discovering by meeting new kinds of people.

There are even some superadvanced kingdoms which in normal planets may even have civilized the whole solar system by now, titans, mecha, transformation and endless possibilities of unique powers in this ever-changing and neverending new thing to discover.

In this Holy or some say Cursed Land, a being or beings(?!?!) ever known greatest in the universe by the all being to know about him, is born or some say created, known in this infinite-like world has began his (or her) journey.

I open my eyes in the sky or maybe this ground i don't know, I can see a huge huge hugest lake if that make sense, imagine the furthest place you have travel in land to land and multiple it by 10 as it's big as big size country, people down near the lake might even think it's a ocean if I couldn't see it's boundaries, and I can see reflection of

very sharp peak mountain which is lone peak with no competition in the sky or maybe it's ground which is many more times bigger than lake or maybe not as I could only see peak in the reflection, maybe I am the mountain, maybe mountain spirit and maybe just some fool buried in the peak.

As time passes by I could see waterdragons or maybe huge lizardfishs as they have fins and gills instead of wings and there skin as metal plate over one another like stack armour and four leg which are seem to be specified for water they are blueish in colour.

When they came to surface I could see very clearly to tiniest of details that I could even almost differentiates between water and some small boat from every time if I could see them near shore but I couldn't see deep into this deep lake as if it has no end,

I have seen many normal to bizzare looking fish to monster but no-one was near the size of waterdragons whose population maybe just one dozen which he had seen.

One day I have seen two big and slightly smaller giant snake which are very dark with unique golden dot pattern on them as big as adult waterdragons or maybe little bigger which itself as big as huge lone hills.

They fly to the lake or maybe just jump but they reach the lake. They seem to trying to conquer this lake as they seem to be hissing and challenging the dragon's as a slight smaller maybe young adult dragon which has small golden horn has become very aggressive and jump towards the smaller snake as it maybe be confident in his strength as he feel the strongest in the lake.

But when his fang reach to grap the snake his fang slipped on the skin as it's was like bounce soft which ignore damage it just made the young snake angry and and it bite his right face which was bleeding.

An angry roar which shook the whole lake slightly emerge a huge waterdragon double the size of adult waterdragon which had huge horns as a crown on his head his eyes where blood red as he seem extremely angry glaring at the small snake biting the young dragon which made the snake slight flinch and hide behind the bigger snake who also seem to have made bad face and scared.

Young dragon was blinded in the right eye and huge scar like it was made by shark which was very ugly as it seems like having many holes in the right side of the face,

As the dragon King was very angry some glow was glowing in his horns as it began to form the shape of golden trident which crazyly shook the near by water as it was about to release the trident a hissing sound was release from near my side.

The sound was not loud but it seem to have reached the dragon King, as it began to extend its head towards the lake its head alone was big as the dragon king.

It was so big it seem as it may cover a whole normal size planet it can only be call world serpent as no other name will suit it.

It made the dragon's scared and run deeper into the lake the dragon king seems to understand it's his and dissolved the trident and took the young dragon into the deeper right of the lake,

The snakes seem to understand and they stayed in the left side of the lake. The world serpent seems to return to its place which was not known by me as the lake was not still I couldn't see it's exact size but it seem to revolve the peak for dozen of time I couldn't see the the end of its tail.

After this time has passed I don't know how much time has passed it seems snake population has increased to more than two dozen but there size is just half of young dragon's who's population might just increase by 2-5 times more.

As time passes by I began to feel dim as my vision and mind began to decrease, time by time little by little like l was at my end it or maybe it was the start of my long journey.

I closed my eyes.