
Infinity +1

Atlas was a normal student in a spiritual club, dedicated to seek for a bigger understanding of this reality. However, he soon finds out that, there is a lot more to this reality than what meets the naked eye. Will he be able to solve the mysteries of reality where knowledge is the game and succeed in becoming, The one beyond Infinity?

EsperTouch · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Shift in Perspective.

Atlas' view on reality, more specifically The Darkness, was based upon the outlook of balance. There is the Negative in the Positive, and The Positive in the Negative, circling one another causing Neutrality. However, He never questioned what those categories truly held. "Perspective?" Atlas asked, "Like atheists for example?". Jaxson replied, "Interesting comparison although not to far fetched, but I think she means, you should look at darkness not as evil, But merely as the consumption of Reality while Light is the opposite of that.".

Nyla nodded in admiration and agreement as his presumption was actually correct, "Very good Jax, Yes what he said was correct. The understanding of Perspective can actually branch into the supernatural realm of reality." "Supernatural realm? Like we can get superpowers or something?" Atlas replied but, Nyla remained quiet continuing to eat, leaving Atlas only more curious, feeling as though this confirmed the fact that she was indeed hiding something.

After a moment of nothing but people enjoying their food, They threw away their trash and moved the Club table, pulling out a large cloth with a rune showcasing The Merkabah sigil with a circle drawn around it. While Atlas, Jax, and Sabrina straightened out the cloth across the ground, Nyla grabbed candlesticks, bowls and herbs as they were getting ready for an energetic practice. Nyla placed a large, medium, and small candlestick at each cardinal direction where Atlas sat at East, Jaxson sat at West, Sabrina sat at South, leaving only the North and middle empty, keeping the rune exposed to the ceiling. She put the different herb cocktail bowls at each inter-cardinal to symbolize the 4 Main elements; Water, Earth, Fire, and Air, before taking a seat at the North Cardinal.

"Now everyone just like I taught you, deep breath in." Nyla stated as everyone simultaneously breathed in, closing their eyes and giving a pause for 3 seconds as Nyla went first, and exhaled deeply. Her breath ignited her candlesticks like an invisible flame, as a bright teal light peered from underneath her candles, traveling across the circle towards Atlas'. Atlas exhaled, as his breath seemed to be denser than hers', taking visibility of steam or mist as his candlesticks ignited. The light crept on the carpet, continuing it's travel across the triangle pointing upwards at Nyla, and the circle that surrounded it. Sabrina followed in example as her breath was more dense, in resemblance to frost, igniting her candlesticks which caused the light to creep across the triangle pointing downwards at Sabrina. This completed the right half of the rune, leaving Jaxson to follow in their footsteps. He exhaled heavily as his breath was as milky white as smoke, igniting his candlesticks last, illuminating his side of the rune. The Merkabah rune on the carpet glowed as a whole as the herb bowls ignited, causing them to smoke, giving the room a spiritual aroma and the perfect atmosphere for the cleansing. "Oh great sources of Nature, We call upon you today to purify this school…." Nyla spoke as her sentence all of a sudden faded into nothingness.

*lup-dup, lup-dup* Atlas could only hear the rhythm of his heart in the silence. "What's going on… Why did Nyla stop speaking.." He thought to himself as he opened his eyes seeing an ocean. He quickly stood up looking around as he saw baby teal phoenixes flying around in the sky, and purple orcas with horns chasing white horses, running across the surface of the water. "What the fu-" His sentence got interrupted as his voice was no longer there. He grabbed at his mouth and realized there was nothing to be felt except for radiating sensation, as if his face had faded away. Atlas started to freak out, running up to the water and looked at his reflection as he saw nothing in return. He was mentally lost, looking for his arms realizing that he didn't have any, questioning if he had any to begin with. "Are you having fun over there?" A gentle but commanding British voice, echoed from behind him, causing Atlas to turn around quickly in a fright, letting out a scream only in his mind. There stood a tall pitch black male with Persian looking clothing and jewelry, as his long, messy void black hair seemed to reflect that of the starry night sky. His eyes were as stunning and comforting as the full moon, and yet still had an intoxicating aura, sending chills in Atlas' awareness as if his energy itself was wavered by the entity's presence.

"You must be wondering who I am, In due time you will know." In the mere moment of comprehension, The male towered over Atlas and even although Atlas didn't seem to be there, The man was able to see him quite clearly. "You must have questions, don't you? Go on, Do tell." The Man spoke as his gaze felt like it was peering into Atlas' soul but, maybe it was. Atlas' mind was nothing but clear, having only one question in mind, "How do I go beyond infinity?". The Man grinned an inhumane smile as his eyes sharpened into narrow arched slits, putting his hand over the region of Atlas' heart chakra, "Great question, Now I have a question for you. Are you willing to strive for that amount of power and see the truth about reality?". Atlas was taken aback when The Man proved that he could read his thoughts, taking a moment to consider the question and high risk for such a journey. After careful ponderation, He knew that there was no other option he could pick, except for yes. He looked up at The Entity's eyes as the man looked back but now, they were now eye level nor was it still a man, but a ball of dark black energy emanating grey flames.

During Atlas' journey, only a few seconds had passed in the clubroom as Nyla continued the cleansing, "And protect all of those on ca- EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Nyla felt a surge of foreign energy, instantly ducking down as Jaxson and Sabrina followed, causing the rune circle and candles to go out except for Atlas'. Black, purplish lightning started to conjure within the middle of the circle, having the arcs spread hitting the bowls of herbs, bursting them into cold purple flames having the others feel drained of their energy. "What the hell is going on, Atlas move!" Sabrina shouted but it was to late, The electricity built back up collectively in the middle, extinguishing the bowls before shooting directly at Atlas, hitting his solar plexus. It pushed him back, slightly suspending him in the air, as the bolt of lightning went through his back but it reverted back into Atlas' body, getting absorbed into his cells. His body followed the electricity's path as it put him back in a meditative position, causing his whole body to shiver.

His candles went out, as Atlas subsequently opened his eyes having his scleras crackled with dark lightning. Letting out a sigh, He felt energy surging through his body making his nerves jittery and yet, was calm and collected, staring at his hands. "Okay, What the actual fuck just happened!" Jaxson shouted, seeing the carpet now burnt with lightning arcs etched into it. "It's begun.." Nyla said in disbelief as they all looked at her in utter confusion, having the trio all speak in unison, "..What?"

To be Continued…

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