
The gay indian

Mumbai, Capital of Maharashtra

Rajesh would describe himself as being a normal human being albeit with a different taste, different taste being his sexuality, Rajesh is what humans of the 21st century would refer to as a gay, twat, homosexual, batty man and part of the LGTV+ community.

Aside from that however Rajesh is a pretty retarded person, i mean for god's sake look at this curry muncher's sexuality it's a disgrace to india's great cultural history.

Rajesh is what people would call a "gooner", a piece of shit that doesn't leave the confines of his dirty, untidy room for one reason and one reason only, that is to goon 24/7.

To no one's surprise rajesh's diet was shit and is the main reason why rajesh is currently dead still holding a proper edger's form.


Rajesh gains consciousness in pure darkness with his soul being the only thing that's visible in a eternity.

"Mmm? where am i?" Rajesh's gay ass questions as he looks around seeing nothing but darkness. "Is anyone here?" he asks once again in fright as his soul starts shaking until all of a sudden it stops shaking

a bright light suddenly encompasses the soul and the colorless eternity, bathing it in a golden color

Rajesh's soul turns around trying to comprehend the sight in front of him, "Hello?" he says/asks

"Hello my child, i'm the lord and savior Jesus Christ, tell me my son what do you wish for?" the golden being(?) asks

Rajesh gets pretty excited, his soul vibrates in excitement as he asks whether fictional worlds are real or not.

After a brief dialogue between the golden being and rajesh where Jesus motherfucking Christ explains that yes the multiverse is real and that yes he is serious about granting 2 wishes to rajesh

Rajesh absolutely goes nuts with excitement as he tells Jesus MF Christ that he wishes to be Gojo's little spoon.

Rajesh's soul gets absolutely obliterated "That nigga's so fucking gay" Jesus says as he turns to the camera

"Hey reader, yes you, i'm Jesus motherfucking Christ, follow me on my journey to obliterate all these fucking degenerates" Jesus says as he spawns in a picture of the one and only GigaChad

"Ciao niggas" Jesus says as he poofs