
starting point.

I was sitting with my family. We were having a party, a household party. We were very happy. Me, my dad, my mom and my dear friends. Why we were doing party? Ah… let me remember, yah I got it. We were celebrating because there was no special reason. We were just happy. At party we were having different kinds of dishes, chicken, naan, biryani etc. We were eating like foodies.

After party, we friends decided to go on a small tour, like near a waterfall. So we left the home to go on tour. The roadway was awesome, the roads were zig-zag, both side were full of trees, full of greenery. Its was like we are going towards the heaven. No noise, no traffic, no fight. Only silence, silence like everyone is dead here. Lol, but I can see everyone.

At the water fall,

The water is cold,

We are feeling bold,

Hands are hold,

Are our car already sold?

Lol, I am becoming a poet because of excitement.

My friends are drinking bear, I am not. I don't know why but really I don't like it. They are dancing now, lol watching them is fun.

It's 10 pm now,

It's too late, and there is no traffic here. Good thing. Ok there's an injured guy in the middle of the road. As I know we should check him and take him to hospital but doing so is making chills down my spines. I think you know why, because in horror films whenever anything like this happens the injured guy is a devil or zombie there. I am guessing he is the same. My two friends are going to check them. The injured guy is a human like us, thank god. We are taking him to hospital. He is murmuring something.

"Aka.. Ssss… DDddevi,,bodysss,, eatss.. Hunger…"

This is what he is saying. Strange. We are near a graveyard. I am feeling something strange is going to happen. Why this guy is moving now? Does he wants something?

Our car stopped, he is running towards the graveyard. He is running too fast. He just fade away from our eyes just like he was a wind. My friends are going towards the graveyard only to search them.

Why are we searching him? We should go back to our car and should go according to our road. But no, these guys have to be Sherlock Holmes, because of them I too is searching for him.

My friend is shouting, we are going to check him. That guy was digging a grave, and till we reach him, he has started eating a body. You know what it means, he is a GHOUL. A thing which eats dead body. Means we shouldn't being afraid of him, no we should be afraid because they done want to be seen, and we all friends have seen him.