*Disclaimer: All character but my OC remain towards their respective companies that they originated from* Z gets reincarnated with infinite wishes cause why not Have fun reading and don’t expect me to be here 25/8…I’m doing this for fun
Z) Okay let's see ima leave him laying here but I'll give him a power since I actually like this kid even tho I want to destroy UA I'm not since I respect him and his ambitions.
Z) hey G.S what power should I give him?
G.S) I recommend just giving him a power that will help him amplify his physical attributes by 100
Z) Soo something like the more more fruit except the part where he doesn't have to eat a nasty ass fruit for it?
G.S) Precisely host
Z) -_- Nope I'm giving him the fruit he earning this…Muhahah
30 minutes later
Deku) Ughh what happened
He asked as I looked at him and told him
Z) Well I was gonna destroy UA ,but I respect you and your goals so ima not do that
He says while holding a fruit out in front of him
Z)Eat this and it'll help you with your future 'endeavors' heheh
(Authors note: if you notice any mistakes in this tell me and also HIII IM BACK...Accept my apology?)