
Infinite Void System

Michael was a normal boy but a little odd one day when he went to school a person in his class brought a gun to school and tried to kill everyone Michael was right next to him and Michael tackled him but he got shot while trying to stop him but managed to get the gun away and save his whole class. Michael woke up in a forest wondering where he was and what to do and explores

Rikzel · ファンタジー
2 Chs

The Capital

Michael was finally in the capital it was a lot better than the village he was in and there were different races that he seen like elves, dwarfs, and dragonkin

The capital was a very unique place with all kinds of stuff that you would never think of

Michael first went to the adventurers guild and sign up he was currently a f rank adventurer the ranks went f to sss rank there was currently only 1 ss rank adventurer in the world

Michael asked the guild clerk where to go to find the nearest dungeon and it was 9 miles away currently Michael decided to walk there it didn't take that long because he upgraded his physique and speed and a little bit of mana because he did his daily quest and then upgraded basic mana heart cultivation this is his current status and


[level 2]

Experience 3/15

HP 350/350

MP 30/30

Physique: 7+

Strength: 4+

Mana: 3+

Speed: 7+

Intelligence: 2+

Luck: 1+

[Status points:2]

[Skill points:13]

[Skill menu]

[Skills: survival basics :1, basic spearmanship:1, analysis:1, basic mana heart cultivation:2, swordsmansship:1, Fire magic:1, wind magic:1, earth magic:1, water magic:1]

Michael went inside the dungeon to check out all of his new found strength from his upgrades

Michael went inside the dungeon and seen some goblins Michael used fireball and killed one of them but each use of fireball uses 5 MP and there was 7 of them Michael shot another fireball and missed it because it dodged and casted another one and hit it the goblins started running at him and he managed to throw his old wooden spear and killed another 1 one charged for and Michael thrusted his spear towards it hitting it in its arm and then after that got it in its heart Michael used his earth magic and built a barrier that cost 15 MP and and killed the rest with his spear while they were trying to get to him

[Weak Goblins:7 killed 35 experience]

Michael leveled up twice from that but already used up all of his mana and passed out

Michael woke up in a old man's house Michael didn't think it would be that hard in the dungeon and the old man told him his name was Will and that he shouldn't attempt dungeons by himself and let Michael go clean himself up and then they talked and Will talked to him about stuff and that he needs to be more prepared Will used to be a B rank adventurer until he retired and he gave Michael one of his old skills that he used and gave him a book called heavenly mana breathing that allowed him to recover 10% of his mana every minute and Michael extracted all the information from that book and then decided to cultivate his mana heart all night since it was late

Michael cultivated all night and felt a increase in his mana now and checked the system and his mana was now at 5 Michael decided he was going to focus on the path of a mage

Michael then went into town to find a staff to help increase his power

Michael then found a staff and seen with his analysis skill a staff that increased his mana by 1.25x that would definitely be helpful for the start but he had to get it by helping these people cross a forest infested with monsters

Michael decided to do this because it would be really helpful to him and then he met this girl that was a aristocrat that he would be taking across this forest and talked with the others helping take her across the forest and then they started going through the forest and a large pack of wolves came and Michael used his earth magic to set up a barrier to block them and made steps for them to walk on and then the archers killed 12 of them and Michael killed 5 of them

[Wolves:5 killed experience 40 experience]

Michael leveled up once and decided to add some points to his status


[level 5]

Experience 18/30

HP 350/350

MP 95/95

Physique: 7+

Strength: 4+


Speed: 7+

Intelligence: 18+

Luck: 1+

[Status points:0]

[Skill points:3]

[Skill menu]

[Skills: survival basics :1, basic spearmanship:1, analysis:1, basic mana heart cultivation:3, swordsmansship:1, Fire magic:2, wind magic:2, earth magic:2, water magic:2, heavenly mana breathing:1]

Michael could now use more powerful attacks because of his intelligence now but it uses a lot more mana

Michael could feel the his mana surging to new heights but he wasn't anywhere near other people in this world's power

Michael was finally able to get to there destination after so long and they rewarded him with the staff and now he could finally go back to the capital but her parents wanted to talk to them and asked if they could have his help in the future but Michael said he couldn't because he plans to explore the whole world eventually and after that Michael left and went to the capital and he went to go and eat and he seen a girl getting sexually harassed by 2 older men and Michael stepped in and stopped them and they tried to attack him but Michael stopped them by using his wind magic and making them unable to move and then the girl told him her name was Anna and it turned out that she was wanting to see the rest of the capital and was actually a aristocrat and never got to leave her home and then she said that she wanted to be a adventurer and be a mage the girl then asks if he can come to her house and teach her magic and said he would be greatly awarded so Michael decided to teach her magic

Michael then was brought to her home and signed a contract to teach her magic for 6 months her house was huge Michael has never seen such a big house and he talked to her father and then Michael taught her all the basic magic in 4 months because she already developed her mana heart not that long ago but didn't know magic yet

Michael decided to take her out to a dungeon that was f rank to test her abilities she could only cast fireball 7 times so I decided to teach her my breathing technique and told her to not teach anybody else about this technique

Michael then killed all the other goblins and they gave him less exp than what they originally gave him he only got 1 exp per goblin

[Goblin: 18 kills 18 experience]

Michael was now level 6 but didn't want to mess with his stats right now and then they went back to her house he already taught her everything and they gave him 500 gold for already teaching her everything faster than expected they thought she would learn only 1 magic type and also gave him a storage ring even though he had a inventory he could act as if he's using that

Michael had learned a lot from her during this time about the world and knows everything he needs to know about this world so he thought it was worth it even though he could be a lot stronger right now

I also forgot to say he's been storing all the dead corpses in his inventory and selling them

Michael decided to go to a e rank dungeon and there was 4 mutated wolves in there he used analysis

[Mutated Wolf]

HP 500/500

Physique: 10



He used fireball and made it use 20 MP per and managed to kill all 4 mutated wolves with ease he just felt lucky there wasn't more and then used his breathing technique for 10 minutes and got all of his mana back

[Mutated Wolf:5 killed 15 experience]

Michael decided to go further into the dungeon and then a Mutated wolf jumped at him and bit his arm but quickly blasted it away with wind and then used fireball so he didn't burn his self

Michael didn't let that stop him and went further into the dungeon after that and he finally got to the boos it was the biggest creature he has ever seen