
The Banquet of the Kings and One Swordsman

Kojiro stays on the sofa with Sakura on his lap until 2 PM where they watch some cartoons on TV and eat some snacks Kojiro makes. Sakura is a sweet child that is curious about anything. In the Matous household, she is a prisoner that cannot leave the mansion and can only play alone. Looks like Zouken imprisoned her so Kariya will not betray him.

He then takes Sakura to the park to have some fun together. He doesn't know if Tokiomi will know their location but he knows that Zelretch will take care of it. When the sun is set, Kojiro takes Sakura to the Clock Tower once more and plans to let Sakura stay in the Zelretch workshop. However before he could do that, Sakura says.

"NO!, You are promised to never abandon me"

"I'm not abandoning you Sakura, I need to do something dangerous"


Zelretch then says he should take Sakura with him to Fuyuki. Reluctantly Kojiro takes his little sister with him. At 6 PM they arrive in the shack where his previous base is located and opens the door showing that everything is still the same. He spent another 15 minutes to prepare the Room enlargement device and create a simple bounded field around the shack.

"The room has changed!"

"How is it?"

"It's awesome!"

He takes out a sofa that he takes from the Zelretch workshop and also the bed from the Zelretch guest room. He then takes out the Kitchen tools from his Pocket Dimension and also a few brewing machines.

After finishing placing all the necessities for their stay, Kojiro walks outside and begins to engrave some rune all around the house. While working he also taught some of the runecraft to sakura. He must say that Sakura is a fast learner for a small child. With her Element, Sorcery Trait, and Origin not yet changed by Zouken constant torture and the worm crest, Kojiro can teach her some spells and magecraft that have a connection to space and void.

After finishing engraving the last rune, he looks at Sakura with his black hair and her blue eyes concentrate in finishing the fire rune he teaches her. He smiles at her because this Sakura still has the heritage of the Tohsaka Family and has not yet been changed by the Zouken worm.

"I did it!"

He snaps from his thought when he sees Sakura jump in joy and run toward him with a red stone in her hand.

"Nii-chan, look I did it"

"Congratulation Sakura, You are a smart girl"


"Now, let's test it out okay?"


After quickly making some bounded field so it will be fireproof, he let Sakura throw the stone.


After throwing the runestone it creates an explosion, and a second later it disappears creating a small crater in front of them.

"Good job, Sakura."


"... Do you want to learn other runes?"


"Alright, come on. I will teach you how to do it inside the house."

After quick dinner time, He spend his time teaching Sakura in Runecraft and its usage. When the clock shows that it is already 9 PM, he looks at Sakura sleeping on his lap after using her magic for some time. He picked her up and then slowly put her on the bed.

"Hmm… Big… Brother"

He smiled a little at Sakura before saying.

"Have a good dream Sakura"

After tucking Sakura on the bed, Kojiro then begins to prepare for the so-called banquet by upgrading his weapon. For two hours he upgraded his weapon. When he uses his charges on Penetration (10/100), he immediately gets some idea and blueprint about how to upgrade his sword and gun so they can punch through space. After upgrading his sword, he knows that he will be a nightmare for Gilgamesh to fight against because his sword can destroy the original weapon inside his Gate of Babylon. Now, his weapon can hit the weapon inside his Gate of Babylon and destroy them so the weapon that was already destroyed cannot be recovered.

He also uses his charge to upgrade his Energy Generation (2/80), Mobility (2/100), Stealth Technology (2/50), and lastly, he creates Forcefield (1/200).

With all those new upgrades, he immediately has an urge to create a new device or at least upgrade the one he has. However, he holds that urge as he doesn't want to be late at the so-called banquet. He opens a portal to Einzbern castle and makes a sudden 'visit' while they prepare for a banquet.

As he walks through the portal, he sees Iskandar and Artoria sitting on the ground while a barrel of wine sits next to the rider.

"Hmm? Do I visit at the wrong time?���

"OHHHH, The user of Kaleidoscope. What are you doing here?"

"I want to visit the Einzbern family but look like you guys have something to do, excuse me…"

"Wait a minute. Come join us in this banquet"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!"

He sat on the ground between Iskandar and Artoria. He then picks up some bigger cup from his usual cup and places it on the ground. Riders then begin to pour the wine into the cup before they pick it up and drink it.

"Hmmm, not bad"

"Oh? You have tasted more delicious wine, O sorcerer?"

"Call me Kojiro and also yes"

He summons a barrel of wine he created and places it in front of Rider as he smashes the top of the barrel and begins to pour it into the cup. As Artoria and Iskandar drink it, their eyes widen and say.


"Hahahaha, you have some good stuff Kojiro"

"Thank you"

As Iskandar is having a conversation with Artoria, suddenly a golden particle appears in front of him. Slowly coming from the Golden light is Gilgamesh the king of heroes. He can see Gilgamesh look at him with a piercing glare while walking toward their location. He summons another cup and gives it to Iskandar as the king of conquerors pour the wine that he gives to the cup before giving it to Gilgamesh. He sees Gilgamesh sit down and then drink the wine before saying.

"A decent wine"

Kojiro continues to enjoy the night while listening to the bickering between Artoria and Iskandar. He must say that he agrees with Iskandar saying that Artoria is a little girl. She wishes to change her past and change the end result of her legend. While in theory, it is a good wish but it is impossible to do. It only creates another reality where her wish is fulfilled and creates an unknown future to Britain or the world. He can already see her as the tyrant of Britain, the same thing that Artoria says that she will never be.


He looks at the roof as he feels another presence of servants around the area.

"Looks like we have some uninvited guests."

"Yeah, you are right Kojiro"

"How many do you think of this intruder, King of Conqueror?"

"Maybe 20 of them"

Suddenly many Assassins appear all around them. He can see there are at least 30 of them across the garden.

Iskandar tries to invite Assassin into the banquet but they are refused by throwing a dirk at Iskandar. Before The King of Conqueror can stand up, Kojiro says.

"Let me handle this. I'm bored hearing you guys talking the entire time."


"Yeah, Please enjoy the wine. This will only take a moment."

He then summons his sword and then throws four runestones at the other servant location and creates a barrier around them.

"Now, Come"

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts