
Infinite Stratos: The Fugitive Second Male Pilot

I, Aruto Igarashi, reincarnated to another world and thought it was similar to my old world. However, I was terribly wrong..! What Mecha-suit are real!? Sign me up! AH? I can't ride it!? IS? more like badIS. SHIT? I'm really the second male pilot!? *RUNAWAYS* You won't catch me alive!!!

Haluo · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Chapter 10: I've found the winning formula!

[A/N: Safe! Monday update is here! Sorry for this late update and being MIA. My dumbass caught covid at work, and I suffered like a bitch till now. I'm feeling better now and will continue writing this FF so don't worry. Thank you to those who waited for the following updates! Anyways, enjoy this chapter! We will end the first escape in the next chapter!]


Chapter 10: I've found the winning formula!

Hello, guys. Aruto Igarashi here, and I'm in deep trouble. Last time, I met my ghost partner, who had been deeply inside me for the whole time, and yet I had never met him until now.

It's still wild to think there was someone inside me from all this time… Anyway, I could have my protagonist moment, and I would destroy the black IS in a very cool manner ever since that fucker chased me all this time. 

However, a little mishap happened in the middle of my moment.

Who would have thought that I needed to shout my buddy's name? So now, I only have access to a mighty punch, but I doubt the IS would let me anywhere close to it. The last time was not real; it was a bug in the matrix.

After all, there is no way someone would stop in the middle of the battle, right? Or maybe it was the only chance that fate gave me for this game, and I blew it…

Oh well, I can't do much about it, right…?

[Let me take control of your body] said my new buddy outrageously as we both looked at the very deadly and menacing IS.

It was thirsty for my blood after I punched her. Unfortunately, It seemed I managed to crack the absolute shield system of the IS but not much to leave the pilot helpless.

"Woah, buddy. I know you claimed to be me and all, but we just met! I don't think leaving control of my body is something I feel comfortable with." I said as I took a few steps back from the approaching IS.

[Then do you want to deal with this IS now with your current strength?]

"What do you—Oh.."

Ah.. The IS suddenly left the ground and hovered in the air, and that's just the tip of the iceberg as the IS completely evolved in weaponry.

It was honestly outrageous, like two Gatling guns popped out from behind the IS, and both his hands were replaced with two sharp energy blades.

Maybe I should let my buddy take control of the wheel while I strategically stay behind and watch the fight.

[…I will say this now, but even I won't be able to fight this monster with our current strength.]

[I can only survive long enough until you hear my name correctly, Aruto]

[Our life depends on you.]

"…Can't you just repeat it?" I asked and started to distance myself from the very scary IS.

[This is impossible. It won't work if you couldn't hear it when I said it.]

"Then what should I DO!!!!" I screamed as I dodged a waves of bullets from the very ambitious enemy.

Welp, another round of running away until I become that guy.

[When I take control of your body, you shall dive into your heart and find the answer to your journey.]

[Now, grant me access to your body while I take care of her in your absence.]

"…Fuck it, let's get it, buddy. I give you acc—" I said as I lost consciousness, and my body hit the ground while dodging a laser beam that popped out of nowhere.

Wew, another upgrade from my dearest friend… I'm happy I don't have to deal with this cheater right now…


- Aruto (?) -

As Aruto's helpless body crashed onto the ground, the IS momentarily hesitated, thrown off by my sudden action.

But that confusion didn't linger for long. The IS sprang back into action, hurtling toward Aruto's immobile form with a speed that defied its previous game of cat and mouse. It became apparent that the IS pilot had been toying with him.

Hovering menacingly above Aruto, the IS raised a sword, ready to deliver a fatal blow. The blade descended with lightning speed, aimed at the defenceless Aruto, yet at the last moment, his previously lifeless body snapped open.

Bright, intense golden pupils replaced the familiar red irises. In a swift, almost automatic motion, Aruto (?) rolled aside, narrowly evading the deadly strike.

Aruto sprang into his feet, stretching his body, but his focus on the IS and unfazed by the jet-black IS.

[What a weird sensation, controlling a mortal body...]

[I hope he finds the answers to his journey in this dive.]

[So, for now, let me be the stand-in until the main player returns,] said Aruto (?) as he beckoned the machine towards him.


- Aruto Igarashi -

I blinked my eyes open, taking in my surroundings, and found myself in an astonishing environment. The view left me utterly speechless; I hadn't expected such a surprise within myself. As far as my eyes could see, there was nothing but water. Curiosity led me to glance beneath my feet.

Surprisingly, I was also standing on water, somehow walking on it. I even tried stomping to test its solidity, but I remained safe. It felt akin to walking on a water bed—a peculiar experience, though not the strangest of the day.

However, what unsettled me the most was the absence of my reflection on the water's surface. Was it a regular occurrence in this peculiar domain? I couldn't be sure.

Undeterred, I continued surveying the watery landscape until something caught my eye. Approaching it, I discovered a structure not too far from my position. As I drew closer, the recognition dawned on me—they were torii gates. Similar to the ones I had frequented in various shrine in the real world. Studying the torii gate before me, I noticed a series of them extending behind, forming a path leading somewhere.

Shrugging off the lack of instructions upon arrival, I followed this torii gate pathway, hoping to find answers from my mysterious companion.

So, I strolled down the path, light rain tapping on my skin, when I hit my first roadblock—or should I say, me-block? There, standing right in my way, was myself. It was like he'd been waiting for me.

I couldn't shake the suspicion and cautiously trod the path, watching him closely. Handsome bastard, just like me, but my suspicions ramped up.

[What's most important for you?] said the Not-Me, who dropped this question out of nowhere, which felt weirdly familiar, though I couldn't quite place it.

"What's most important for me…?" I echoed, letting the question hang in the air. I stayed quiet, sizing up the doppelganger.

He smiled at me and patiently waited for my answer.

…Do I really have to answer it tho? I don't want to answer such personal questions about some random weird copycat inside me.

No thanks.

(Also, what's wrong with my body? Why do I have so much shit inside it!)

Using my galaxy brain, I tried to sidestep the copycat and went toward the Torii gate. But surprise, surprise, the faker wasn't having it and blocked my path like a wall.

I kept dodging the guy, and he kept blocking. We played this game for ten minutes until I stopped from exhaustion.


"Fine! Fine! I'll answer!" I surrendered, throwing my arms in the air for dramatic effect. Yet, my copycat didn't buy it, shooting me a sharp look.


"Seriously, do I have to answer this?"

I only received a slight nod from the gatekeeper.

I ran my fingers through my hair, a bit frustrated, contemplating the question. There is no point in lying, right? I might as well spill it from the heart. "I guess it's my freedom. I don't want to get caught up and waste this new life handed to me by someone or some system…"

[I see…] came the reply from Not-Me, and with that, he vanished in a mote of light, leaving me alone in front of the Torii gate.

I moved forward now, shaking off the weird encounter. I figured my sanity would thank me later; I can't afford to react to every strange shit in my life.


Oh, joy.

Here comes another one.

I stood there, as another version of me gave a casual wave.

[What do you want outta life?]

I sighed, realizing that these internal interrogations were becoming a trend in this place. Nevertheless, I decided to play along.

"What do I want in life?" I echoed, pondering for a moment. "I guess it's to find genuine happiness, you know? Not the fleeting kind. Just genuine, lasting happiness… and a beautiful wife and kids."

The Not-Me raised an eyebrow, seemingly processing my response. After a thoughtful pause, he nodded and disappeared in a similar mote of light, leaving me again alone by the Torii gate.

I couldn't help but wonder how many more versions of myself I would encounter on this journey. Nevertheless, I pressed on, determined to find the answers even though I didn't know how it was related to finding my buddy's name. Each encounter felt like a piece of a puzzle and that's bad for me because I'm terrible at it.

Honestly, I almost forgot I was here to find a way to save myself from my current situation.

Welp, another one before me. I only hope it's the last one.

[What are you afraid of?]

I stood in silence for what felt like an eternity, wrestling with the weight of the question. The air hung heavy with doubt, and I wasn't sure if I was ready to confront the vulnerabilities I hid deep within.

Finally, breaking the quiet, I admitted, "I guess...I'm afraid of being powerless. To lose control of my life and be at the mercy of someone, unable to protect the things or people that matter to me the most."

The Not-Me listened without judgment, and with a nod, he, too, dissipated into a cascade of light, leaving me alone in front of the Torii gate.

I took a moment to absorb the intensity of these encounters. The path ahead seemed to stretch endlessly, but I steeled myself for whatever revelations lay ahead.

I pressed on silently, passing numerous Torii gates without encountering another copycat version of myself.

The rhythmic sound of my footsteps echoed in the quiet until I halted before a darkened pool nestled within this expansive body of water. Simultaneously, a heavy downpour cast an ominous shadow over the surroundings.

Instinctively, I glanced behind me, only to find the torii gates that had guided my way had vanished, leaving me alone and disoriented.

A wave of unease washed over me, a fear for my well-being creeping in. Suppressing the rising panic, I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, reminding myself that freaking out wouldn't get me anywhere. I needed to recall why I embarked on this strange journey in the first place.

As I opened my eyes, something drew my attention to the water beneath my feet. I looked down, and to my astonishment, I saw my reflection—a sight I hadn't expected in this surreal realm. The reflected version of me stretched out an arm toward me, a gesture loaded with both familiarity and an unspoken invitation.

Compelled by an inexplicable force, I was drawn to the outstretched hand in my watery reflection. My hand extended as if in a trance, meeting my mirrored version. The moment our fingertips connected, it was as if a current passed between us, and before I could comprehend what was happening, I was pulled into the darkened pool.

The transition felt surreal as if reality itself had shifted. The water enveloped me, and the world outside blurred into obscurity. I tumbled through a surreal abyss, my senses disoriented.

Suddenly, I emerged in a different landscape, surrounded by ethereal hues and a soft, otherworldly glow. The rain subsided like a cleansing ritual from the darkness. It felt symbolic as if washing away the layers to reveal the core of my being, creating a mesmerizing rainbow in the sky. 

I looked around, realizing that this place was both familiar and foreign. The torii gates stood tall again, lining a path leading to an unknown destination. The reflection of myself, the guide in this peculiar realm, stood beside me, wearing an enigmatic smile.

[Welcome, Aruto, to the heart of your journey.] The reflection's voice echoed, and I felt harmony and peace as I moved forward. The gentle light that touched my skin felt somehow right.

Guided by the reflection that caused this jump, I walked along the same path as the Torii gates. Each step seemed to resonate, and the air carried a subtle energy inside my body.

As we continued, the surroundings morphed into scenes from my memories, those moments etched in the sky. The air was charged with joyous and painful emotions as if the essence of my experiences manifested in this surreal landscape.

Finally, we reached a clearing where a colossal gate loomed, adorned with intricate patterns. The reflection gestured towards it, inviting me to step through.

[This is where you find the answer to your journey and our power.] the reflection conveyed cryptically.

With a deep breath, I passed through the gate, and the world transformed once again. Now, surrounded by an infinite expanse, I stood face to face with an ethereal figure—the embodiment of my power.

Somehow, i knew that.

[What do you seek, Aruto?] the figure asked, its voice echoing through the boundless space.

At that moment, I knew that the answers I sought were possible and that I couldn't live in peace like I originally envisioned. This time, I had to fight for my future and stop being a sheep led by someone.

I had the strength to change and follow the future I wanted.

"I seek strength to face the adversity," I responded with a newfound clarity, facing the ethereal figure that embodied my innermost fears and aspirations.

As soon as the words left my lips, the surroundings shifted again. The infinite expanse gave way to a serene garden bathed in a gentle glow. The rain had ceased, and tranquillity settled over the scene.

In the center of the garden, a wellspring of light emanated. It pulsed with an energy that resonated with my being. The reflection beside me nodded approvingly, acknowledging the significance of the moment.

Approaching the wellspring, I felt a surge of emotions—an amalgamation of the experiences, challenges, and revelations that had defined my journey. With a deep breath, I reached out to touch the radiant light.

When my fingertips made contact, a profound sense of connection enveloped me. It was as if I could comprehend the web of my existence—the interplay of choices, the dance of joy and sorrow, the threads that wove the tapestry of my life.

The ethereal figure, now a tranquil presence, spoke again, [In understanding yourself, you unlock the true power to shape your destiny.]

As the words echoed, the garden transformed again, merging with the torii gate path. Standing before the darkened pool, I was back where I had started.

This time, however, I felt a profound shift within. The journey within myself had granted me a more profound comprehension of my past, present and future.

With newfound purpose, I stepped away from the pool, ready to face whatever awaited me in the real world.

I let out a grin escape from my face.

"I finally know your name…"

But still…

Why did I experience all of this to unlock my power…


[Author's Note 2: Reflecting on it now, Aruto, I find myself unsure why I delved into such a convoluted method to unlock his power. I became deeply engrossed in my writing, and didn't want to rewrite it. So I only hope it went at least well with everyone. It's worth noting that his powers are rooted in mecha themes, so rest assured Aruto won't be resorting to any peculiar magic shenanigans or the like.]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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