
Chapter 561 : Inside The Obelisk


"Sato!" Xue Yan shouted.


"Sato, where are you?!" 


Yato, Seiichi and the others were also present, similarly calling out for Sato.


"This is not fun Sato." Fudo sighed.


"Something's off." Wu Shiyi suddenly said. 


"Sato's life signal is still active."


The others opened their interface and went to the party section where they noticed that Sato's name was still displayed in green font colour, an indication that his in-game avatar was still alive.


"Then where is he?" Matsui asked.


"Sato wouldn't go far without letting us know. So, he should still be close." Seiichi said.


"But then, why can't we find him?" Yato asked.