
What an Eye! I

[Seventh Body of Savitar]:: State of Existence- Quasi-Eye of Existence. Source of Existence- Outerversal. Lifespan- 18 Megalos Cycle/70 Megalos Cycles. Records of Weavings- The Seventh Body of Savitar that was reconstructed through the hands of a great being. Its power exceeds any of its other bodies apart from the Main One….


An extrapolation of records of Savitar unfolded under Noah's gaze as his weavings underwent a tremendous change!

He looked at the obsidian golden skeleton visage of Savitar who currently had a dark expression as he uttered out.

|White doorways have appeared within all the Tainted Omniverses I oversee…and likely here as well. But these gateways reject anything relating to Outerversal Authority!|

His voice carried great frustration with it as he looked towards Noah inquisitively as if he was seeking for more information.

And Noah laughed lightly as he waved his hands.