
Tainted! I

Unconquerable was the goal.

The end result after countless possible initial conditions and changes that could be made.

And after attaining this current stage of power…



All weavings came to a halt.

All scenes faded.

In the midst of countless golden threads, Noah turned to his right as there, shockingly, a figure of an Entity could be seen.

An entity he didn't sense the entrance of, nor warned about by his recently appearing Invictus Maximus or any other forms of his power!

It meant that it was an Entity far above him in leagues.

He knew that in this place he termed the Higher Weavings of Existence, there were bound to be other terrifying beings that had appeared before him, and he would slowly explore to see just what was out there!

What he didn't expect was to be found within minutes of his entry.

He looked at the entity where the intent had stemmed from.

Humanoid in nature by all accounts.