
Possibilities! II


How could such a thing be truly and accurately measured?

For the most part, there was the reliance on Echelons to demarcate different levels of Complexity, with there being Nine Echelons for Sources of Existence.

Entities like Savitar, who barely qualified with the distinction of a Great One, had reached the Seventh Echelon of Outerversal Physiology and Megalos Regnum.

Inside the Pantheon of Umbra alone, Ozymandias had observed multiple Entities who could hold the distinctions of Great Ones by having either Outerversal Physiology or Megalos Regnum at the Seventh Echelon already.

It gave a glimpse of how much more advanced the Outerversal Morphons had become as they had been enjoying the boons that the Great Beyonder left behind for multiple Cycles now.