
Chosen Emperor! I

Portions of Noah's souls were spread out across the veils of Dimensions under the Infinite Dream- these souls following the intricate weaving of the Dream Dimension with the vast Realities to achieve unbelievable results!

They crossed vast distances in short periods of time as with the pull of destiny, they landed into their respective Realities.

There were 999 portions of souls, and most of them would come to land within Emerging Realities as a few…would have the chance for even more fantastical Realities out there!

Dozens of souls were able to follow the weaving of destiny and the Essence of the Dream Dimension to land within Prime Realities, and then there was a single other notable soul that didn't land in an Emerging nor Prime Reality.

A single soul that after crossing the veils of Dimensions and crossing the folding of space with Dream Essence, it came to and began to wake as it saw its foreign surroundings.
