
Appalling Might! IV

The reaction time of the Extremity couldn't even compare to the speed of the attack!

His eyes only saw a blinding gold flash out of nowhere as Noah's will intensified its focus to understand just what would happen next.

Under his Extremity Soul, everything was zoomed in and played out in slow motion.

He saw that the moment the arrowhead of the Hyperversal Projectile of Helios came in contact with the first Golden Hyperversal Havenly Extremity Rune Scripture of Destitution that protected this being, the Illusory Attack Extremity Rune Scripture of HELIOS at the very forefront burned the Golden Rune of Destitution as if it didn't even exist to begin with.

What was the Hyperversal Projectile of Helios?

It was an attack shot out from a Low Grade Armament of Extremity that even a Tier 2 Hyperversal Extremity like Xiaomi had trouble holding onto!