
An Infinite Sky! II

After Quintessence and Infinity, blazing purple waves of glorious smoke rose from Noah one after another, and his Existential Extremes manifested outwardly!

Tyranny arose with heavy splendor as a burly visage of Noah with an expression of pride and power appeared, a dazzling purple crown floating above his head as he gazed calmly at Infinity and Quintessence.

After that, a golden brilliance rose as a halcyon visage of Noah exactly as he looked rose and looked at all others with its eyes raised- it was the Protagonist!

And not a beat later, another golden light rose as the visage of Loot appeared.

And this…was just too unique as a manifestation of Noah adorned with golden rings of bracelets filled with precious stones around his hands, a necklace that seemed to be connected with golden Fruits of Existence, and golden rivers of swirling diamond encrusted Fruits of Existence flowed around his whole smoky body!