
Infinite Evolution in the Marvel universe

Transported to the perilous Marvel universe, he acquired the Void system from League of Legends. He can absorb anything with energy, bringing about infinite evolution. Darkness and the Void will become my greatest allies. Tony Stark sees him as a powerful and ominous emissary of darkness. No matter how much he upgrades his armor with his intellect, he can never be fully confident in his ability to defeat him. Thor, having witnessed his power firsthand, believes he may be the most dangerous being in the universe. Nick Fury views him as the Grim Reaper in the shadows, someone who could throw the world into chaos. Yet, at the same time, he considers him the ultimate safeguard, should the world face a truly catastrophic threat. Read Chapters Ahead on patreon.com/MythicForge11

MythicForge · アニメ·コミックス
120 Chs

Chapter 11: Harvey’s Attitude

Harvey left the press conference venue and walked over to his luxury car.

"Let's go to a place I consider safe. I'll listen to what you have to say."

Harvey Amberlock said, inviting Coulson, who had followed him, into the car.

Coulson didn't hesitate; he opened the car door and got in.

Harvey drove off, heading towards his estate.

"So, what do you want from me?"

Harvey casually asked during the drive.

"Mr. Harvey Amberlock."

"We, the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, are a special force established by the International Security Council to handle various unusual events."

"Firstly, I can assure you that our department bears no ill will towards high taxpayers like yourself."

"It's just that your rise has been so rapid and smooth that we suspect you might possess some superpowers."

"We would like to discuss with you and, if possible, invite you to join us in contributing to the Blue Planet."

Coulson didn't hide anything and formally introduced himself and his purpose.

"So you have no evidence and just sent that crazy woman to test me because you suspect I have superpowers?"

"Or was she testing me with a gun?"

"That doesn't seem like a wise move if you're trying to recruit me."

Harvey continued to criticize Natasha Romanoff, despite Coulson's friendly attitude, reflecting his poor impression from their previous encounter.

"Due to some incidents on that day, the agent acted a bit hastily."

"Though she did cause you some fright, she shouldn't have harmed you, so please accept our apologies."

Coulson felt a bit embarrassed by Harvey's unreserved attitude. Normally, he could be more assertive with ordinary people, but with a high taxpayer like Harvey, he had to be cautious to avoid leaving a bad impression.

Even if Harvey Amberlock wasn't superhuman, given his achievements over the past two years, there was a chance he might become an investor in some of their projects if given more time.

"She didn't harm me, but she scared me enough that I was afraid to go out for a while."

Harvey's tone softened slightly, though he still expressed his dissatisfaction and complaints.

"Mr. Harvey Amberlock, I sincerely apologize for that."

Coulson earnestly apologized on behalf of Natasha Romanoff.

"The idea of contributing to the Blue Planet is noble, provided that your internal motives have remained unchanged and haven't become tools for certain politicians."

"However, I imagine you can't escape political control."

"After all, your department was established by the International Security Council, and it's likely under their influence, limiting your freedom of action."

"And I'm just a civilian with some money, not worrying about work or finances."

"So please don't bother me further."

"If, in the future, I genuinely receive some help or protection from you, I will express my gratitude sincerely."

"But you should understand, that's not now."

Harvey parked the car, shared his thoughts, and clarified his position.

He was open to tasks and payments but joining the Avengers or being bound by others' orders was out of the question.

He would act according to his own will, and others needed to prove their capabilities if they wanted to command him.

At least S.H.I.E.L.D. and American politicians had no sway over him, and public outcry wouldn't affect him either.

He didn't want to reveal his identity yet because the timing wasn't right and he didn't want to disrupt his comfortable life or affect his evolution speed.

However, if S.H.I.E.L.D. overstepped, he would teach them and America a lesson.

Coulson, recognizing Harvey's aversion to politicians and desire for independence, realized that despite Harvey's actual abilities, he was unlikely to join their ranks.

Coulson understood that the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, despite its noble intentions, was still influenced by politicians, creating challenges and obstacles in recruiting others.

Eliminating such obstacles entirely was impossible, so they would have to find ways to minimize the impact of political influence.

After Coulson got out of the car, Harvey drove off without further ado.

Coulson sent a message for someone to pick him up.

Approaching Tony Stark wasn't wise now, as Stark Industries was about to face a stock market downturn.

This would likely trouble Tony Stark, making it hard to have a good conversation with him.

As for his interaction with Harvey Amberlock, Coulson had no intention of reporting it. Doing so would only irritate his colleagues.

Harvey returned to his luxurious estate, relieved to be back after several months.

The estate was well-maintained, with regular cleaning preventing any dust buildup.

Harvey turned on the TV in the living room, which was filled with news about Stark Industries.

Many were claiming that Tony Stark had lost his mind, and some hosts were making exaggerated performances.

Stock prices could fluctuate dramatically based on rumors and events.

Tony Stark's announcement to halt weapon production was indeed a bombshell.

Harvey checked his stock app and saw that Stark Industries' stock was plummeting, flashing red as it fell.

Numerous small investors and major shareholders were frantically selling their stocks.

Fearing further declines, they were eager to get out before losing more.

Harvey knew that once Tony Stark announced a shift to the energy sector and demonstrated results, the stock would rebound significantly.

But the current decline was just the beginning, so it wasn't yet time for Harvey to buy in heavily.