
infinite Chaos Immortal ( DROPPED FOR A WHILE )

alas, all my pain and suffering is over now I can finally meet you, mom dad after that, he expected to see darkness but, what he saw was not what he expected to see instead what he saw was a middle-aged man watching him with his hand behind his back (the cover is not mine if the author wants me to take it down pls tell me in the comments)

Sage_Of_Chaos · ファンタジー
12 Chs


" no I'm fine, just a little nervose" lee said with a very tone and without looking back

Alex started to laugh when he heard this, lee eyes started to tear up when he heard Alex laughing and said with a pitiful tone

" Why are you laughing at me!!!" he pouted after saying that

" see your alright now right," Alex said with a slight smile on his face

when lee heard this he turned to look at Alex and said

" yes thank you big brother " when Alex saw this he sighed and said

" you are now my brother so no need to thank me alright " Alex was not pleased when he heard lee thanking him like that

" alright big brother," he said with a big innocent smile, Alex started to laugh when he saw that and he said

" no worries little bro, come let's hurry we need to reach home before my mom gets mad " Alex started to sweat when he remembered his mom getting mad

" ok big brother " lee started to run when he heard this and left Alex in the dust

" ehhh!!, Lil bro wait for me " after that he started to run and caught up to lee in no time

when lee saw that Alex caught up so fast he said

" big bro want to race to see who will reach first? " Alex raised an eyebrow when he heard that and thought ' does he even know where my house is? ' but before he can ask lee was already nowhere to be found

" sigh, now what do I do? " Alex was feeling very troubled until he heard Alice

< don't forget he has his luck > Alice said and she to was very interested in lee and his unknown bloodline

" that's true, ok let's go " after saying that Alex disappeared and reappeared 10 meters from where he was

" hey, mom did you see lee? " Alex reached 4 seconds ago but could not see lee here so he asked

" lee? who is lee? " his mom was confused because she did not know who lee was

" oh never mind you would see later " he went up to his room after saying that

------ 2 hours later ------

Alex was seen at the door talking to a boy his age

" Why did you take so long to get here? " Alex was confused as to why he took to long even though he has so much luck

" oh well you see I did not know where your house was so I walked around the village and found a second one of the stones right outside your yard," he said with an innocent look on his face

when Alex heard this he almost spat blood and thought ' how the hell there was a stone like that there and I never saw it in my whole life?!' it was at this moment that he knew... he had to buy a treasure scanner and scan this village

" well whatever, come in and meet my mom " Alex stepped aside for him to come in and lock the door after. when he was done he brought lee to the table and said

" mom this is lee, lee this my mom, hope you can get along with her and her hug- " before he can finish and warn lee a shadow quickly passed by him and grabbed lee and said

" he's so cute!! " Alex looked at lee with a like ' i hope you survive ' when lee saw this he was confused until he heard

" and soft to it feels so good to hug him I don't know if I can let him go " Akira had a drool going down her chin which she just wiped with her sleeve, when lee heard this he was scared and said

"I don't tase good and live under a bridge so my meat will be chewy so please don't eat me " lee was almost crying when he finished

Alex started to laugh when he heard this and his mom looked at him dumbfounded until she registered what he said and what she was doing, she looked at lee and apologized

" I'm sorry lee I won't eat you it's just you looked so cute and your skin is so soft " she looked at him with a guilty face, that's when Alex stepped in and said

" ok lee my mom just like to hug cute things so don't mind it " he trying hard to not laugh after what he saw, then lee spoke up and said

" no, it's ok, I'm sorry for overreacting I was just afraid and nervous because I had nobody to hug me so I did not know what to do " after he said that he bowed and said " so please forgive me as well " Akira started to laugh after hearing what he said and asked

" so why are you hear lee? " she wanted to know what he wanted and then she remembered her son asked her if she had seen him earlier

" ahh your the lee that Alex asked for before right? " she was curious as to what Alex wanted to do

" yes mom I brought him here to eat with us and to ask you if he can live with us " Alex was feeling nervous because he doesn't know what his mother will say

" sure but he will have to share your room because your aunt patty will move into the guest room later" she was happy her son had a friend and she then said

" Why don't you boys go and wash up and come back for lunch, and Alex lend him some of your clothes since he doesn't have any right now " after saying what she wanted to say she went back to the kitchen to prepare the food

" Thanks, mom, come on lee ill show you to the bathroom " Alex was happy as well

" yea lets go " and so was lee he was so happy he started to cry, when Alex saw it he said '

" no need to cry Lil bro was family now so take it easy and enjoy it before we leave for our adventure after saying that they started to head to the bathroom. when they reach the room Alex said

" This is the bathroom, go in and have a bath, ill bring some clothes for you when your finished bathing " Alex walked off after saying that

[ hey guys it's me, your friendly novel cliff-kun ]

and here they are, as promised the 2 chapters, now I'm going and sleep because I did not have any since yesterday

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Sage_Of_Chaoscreators' thoughts