
infinite Chaos Immortal ( DROPPED FOR A WHILE )

alas, all my pain and suffering is over now I can finally meet you, mom dad after that, he expected to see darkness but, what he saw was not what he expected to see instead what he saw was a middle-aged man watching him with his hand behind his back (the cover is not mine if the author wants me to take it down pls tell me in the comments)

Sage_Of_Chaos · ファンタジー
12 Chs


------------------NEXT DAY-----------------

" yawn" in a dark room with one king-size bed and what you would normally find in a boys room, you could see someone looking out the window next to the bed with A very excited look on his face

" Hey Alice, did you find what I asked for last night? " yes that 'someone' was Alex, he was asking Alice for the skill he asked for last night


' Alice is there a skill I can use to see the stats and talent of someone?' Alex wanted this skill so he can use it on lee and enemies in the future

< yes there is but it will also show the bloodline and purity of that person> Alice replied with some confusion in her voice because she doesn't know what he wants with this skill when he has me

' good buy that skill for me and some more pills ' Alex said with a rather excited expression on his face


' good now I will have an idea on my opponents in the future' is what he thought, while he was talking to Alice someone sneaked up from his back and hugged him and said

" aww did my baby sleep well *smooch* " she kissed him on his cheek after she said that

" yes I did mom and can you let me go, please " he heard her fake crying and said

" Does my baby not love me anymore *SNIFF* " she wiped her fake tears and hugged him tighter

" ugh mom I can't breath and I did not say I don't love you mom" he was struggling to break free from her hug but how can a foundation establishment realm cultivator break free from a sky realm cultivator, so he can only give up

" Ahah I know my baby will always love me " ' wow the shamelessness will blind me ahh' is what he thought when he heard her

" yes yes I will always love you, mom, so can you let me go now " he can only give up. when his mother heard this she pouted and said

" humph so you have grown up " if anyone saw her face right now they would say ' how can such a cute creature excise' that's how cute she was right now

" Alright mom I have to go get lee " he ran right out the house with full speed. at the pond where he goes to every morning, he saw lee sitting there waiting for him, he walked up to lee and asked

" were you waiting for me, lee? " when lee heard him he looked backed and smiled, he took something from his pocket and handed it to Alex and said

" here I found this when I was on my way home yesterday and I wanted to give it to you " Alex felt warm in his heart when he heard this, one must know that he only has 1 pair of clothes and nothing else, so when he saw lee giving him this he was touched

Alex opened his hand to take it and when he did he looked at it and was shooked with what he heard

<DING! HOST FOUND A X4 REALM SKIP STONE > the systems said and Alex used the new skill he got before


< realm skip stone >

< 4 trillion pure qi in the stone >

" what the hell!!! " lee started to cry because he taught Alex was angry at him, but Alex quickly settled it and said

" lee do you know what this is? " his voice sounded very excited when he said it

" no big brother I found it under the bridge where I sleep at night," he said with a very sad voice and Alex notice that but don't know what to do until

" hey lee, do you want to live with me from now on? " Alex was excited and if he said yes then by the time they were ready to leave the clan he would be very powerful too

" Are you sure?! " lee was happy but afraid at the same time

" of course I'm sure, now let me tell you what this stone is" and so Alex explained to him what the stone was and he was excited and said

" so big brother will be stronger right? " even after hearing what the stone does he still wanted Alex to have it, Alex was very touched when he heard this and said

" force lee, but I will use this on you because when we get older I want you to leave the clan with me so we can build a sect and travel the realms and be the strongest, so what do you think? " Alex said that in a serious but excited voice because he wanted lee to travel with him

" of course big brother we will be the strongest " lee to was excited

" Good now let's go back and eat lunch " they walked towards Alex's house after that, and Alex took this chance to check his talent, and what he saw had him dumbfounded

[name] lee ???

[age] 5

[bloodline] golden roc 50%, ??? 50%

[talent] god

[fighting style] none

[luck] error ( just take it as senior white level luck from cultivation chat group)

' what the hell is up with this kid?!' is the only thing Alex thought before he saw lee walking kind of weird since they left the pond, so he asked

" what's wrong lee you alright? " he was worried something happened to him on there way

[ hello cliff-kun here, and I just want to say that I will be here until this novel is over, so take care of me *BOWS*]


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