
Infernal Cellar

The town's inn is a popular place for recreation and leisure, but its underground wine cellar may very well lead to the world's darkest depths.

AgentFluffSpk · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Arrangements for the upcoming expedition

The next morning, as the first rays of sunlight kissed the sleepy village of Melov'era, Lycaon wasted no time. He headed straight to the outskirts of the village to the apple tree, where he usually pastured his sheep. Today, however, he had something different in mind. He needed to prepare for the mission inside the tunnel.

Upon reaching the apple tree, where there was someone else assigned to do his job, he whistled for Wool, who quickly bounded over to him, tail wagging excitedly. "Wool, today is going to be an unusual day for us," he said, patting the loyal dog's head. "We have to prepare for something dangerous, but I know you'll have my back, won't you?" Wool barked happily, as if understanding the gravity of the situation.

Lycaon gathered some essential supplies for the mission—torches, rope, and a small bag of food. He couldn't afford to carry much, as the tunnel's narrow passage wouldn't allow for cumbersome loads. As he made his way back to the village, he noticed the lively atmosphere surrounding the entrance.

The traveling guild had arrived, their colorful tents and impressive carriages setting up shop on the outskirts of Melov'era.

Curiosity piqued, Lycaon approached Throem, the guild master, who was deep in conversation with his fellow guild members.

"Good morning, Throem," Lycaon greeted politely, trying to hide his growing unease about the expedition. "I see your guild has arrived once again. Are you here for the usual trades?"

Throem smiled warmly, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Indeed, we are, my young friend," he replied. "We have brought a variety of rare and exotic goods from distant lands. I'm sure the villagers will be delighted with our offerings."

Lycaon nodded, trying to muster some enthusiasm for the trade event. "That's wonderful. Melov'era always looks forward to your visits."

As the day progressed, the village came alive with the bustling trade activities. Villagers gathered around the guild's tents, eagerly examining the intriguing items on display. Lycaon watched from a distance, pretending to be engrossed in the trade, but his mind kept wandering back to the hidden tunnel.

He spotted Nell among the crowd, her smile catching his eye. The sight of her sent a flurry of butterflies in his stomach. It had been a while since they had spoken, and he knew he needed to address the awkwardness that had lingered between them.

Summoning his courage, Lycaon approached Nell, the hat he bought from Gleeful Mike in hand. "Hey, Nell," he greeted, trying to sound casual.

Nell turned towards him, her eyes widening in surprise. "Lycaon," she said softly, a hint of hesitation in her voice.

"I, um, got something for you," he stammered, holding out the hat. "I know things have been a bit strange between us, and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for whatever happened the last time we talked."

Nell looked at the hat and then back at Lycaon, her expression softening. "You don't need to apologize, Lycaon," she replied gently. "I appreciate the gesture, but I think it's best if we keep some distance for now."

Lycaon felt a pang of disappointment, but he nodded understandingly. "Alright, I understand. Just know that I value our friendship, and I hope we can still be friends."

Nell smiled warmly at him. "Of course, we can still be friends. I just need some time, that's all."

Lycaon nodded, trying to hide the disappointment he felt. "Take all the time you need," he said, forcing a smile.

As the day wore on, Lycaon found himself increasingly preoccupied with thoughts of the tunnel. The curiosity he once felt was now overshadowed by a growing sense of apprehension. He knew that venturing into the unknown was risky, and he couldn't help but worry about the dangers that awaited him and his companions.

Meanwhile, Saul, ever the responsible brother, was busy assisting the guild members with their accommodations and trade arrangements. He seemed genuinely intrigued by the guild's wares and engaged in friendly conversations with the traders.


As the day progressed, Lycaon went around the village, gathering equipment for the expedition. He knew that venturing into the dark and treacherous tunnel would require more than just torches and rope. He needed provisions, tools, and anything else that might aid them in their journey.

First, he stopped by the village blacksmith, a burly man named Halder, who was known for crafting sturdy and reliable tools. Lycaon requested a few well-crafted knives and a small axe, useful for cutting through any obstacles he might encounter inside the tunnel. Hagan gladly obliged, understanding the importance of the undertaking for the village.

Next, he visited the town healer, who gave him a small bag of medicinal herbs and bandages. While Lycaon hoped he wouldn't need them, he knew it was better to be prepared for any injuries or emergencies that might arise during their expedition.

He also gathered some extra clothing and blankets to keep them warm during the journey. The tunnel's dark and damp environment would undoubtedly be chilly.

As the sun began to set, Lycaon returned to the outskirts of the village, where the guild's colorful tents stood tall against the darkening sky. The lively atmosphere of trade and commerce had mellowed into a serene evening as the villagers prepared to retire for the night.

Throem, the guild master, noticed Lycaon approaching and greeted him warmly. "How can I assist you, young shepherd?" he inquired, his eyes curious. He was a slender man with long hair embellished by luxurious accessories.

"Thank you for all the help and support you've given to the village," Lycaon began, "but there's one thing I'd like to ask. Have you seen my friend, Kester, around? He usually travels with your guild."

Throem nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Ah, yes, I believe I saw him setting up camp near the outskirts. He arrived with us yesterday, but he's been keeping to himself most of the time. Is there something you need from him?"

Lycaon's eyes lit up with excitement and relief. "Yes, actually," he replied, "I'm embarking on a small expedition, you could say, and I could use some more muscle and strength. Kester was a skilled fighter during the war, and I know I can trust him in this."

Throem nodded in understanding. "I see," he said, "Well, I can take you to him if you'd like. I believe he would appreciate your invitation."

Without hesitation, Lycaon followed Throem through the bustling camp until they reached a secluded corner where Kester had set up his tent. As they approached, Lycaon noticed the powerful build of his friend, his muscular arms hinting at his time in the army. Kester was sitting by a small fire, sculpting a rock.

"Kester!" Lycaon called out, and the merchant turned to face them, his rugged face breaking into a grin when he saw his old friend.

"Lycaon! It's been too long," Kester exclaimed, rising to his feet to embrace his friend.

"I'm glad to see you too," Lycaon replied, returning the embrace warmly.


The two reminisced about their old lives in the village, and the memories they shared.

As Lycaon stood with Kester by the small fire, he took a deep breath before broaching the subject. "Kester, there's something important I need to discuss with you," he began, his eyes locking with his friend's. "You know how our village, Melov'era, has always been peaceful and safe. But recently, there has been a discovery that has put the security of the town in danger."

Kester's brow furrowed with concern. "What happened? What's endangering the village?" he asked, his voice serious.

"Yesterday, I stumbled upon a hidden tunnel deep inside the inn's cellar," Lycaon explained. "Someone, or something, has been stealing the rare and valuable white wine from the inn's cellar."

Kester's eyes widened in surprise. "White wine? But what could be the danger in that?"

"The wine is vital to the village's resources, and it's not just the theft itself that concerns me," Lycaon continued. "The tunnel seems to go on endlessly, and I believe that there might be something dangerous lurking inside. I fear that whoever is responsible for the theft might be hiding in there, and they could pose a threat to our village."

Kester scratched his chin, deep in thought. "So, you want to go into that tunnel to confront whoever is stealing the wine and protect the village?" he asked.

"Yes," Lycaon affirmed. "I want to gather a small team to explore the tunnel, to find out what's really going on and put a stop to it before it escalates into something more dangerous."

Kester stared into the crackling flames for a moment before turning to Lycaon with determination in his eyes. "Well, when did I ever let a friend down? If there's a threat to the village, we can't just stand by and do nothing. We'll face whatever is inside that tunnel."

Lycaon's face lit up with gratitude. "Thank you, Kester. Your support means the world to me. With your help, we stand a better chance of solving this."

Kester gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Don't mention it, I've always got your back, no matter what."