
Inescapable: A match made in hell

"Do you know what you're getting yourself into?" He asked his cold hands caressing her thighs. Gulping heavily she forced a reply out of her quivering lips. "Yes, am aware" She replied without batting an eyelid even though she was a bit scared. "I rule not just here, but the underworld and hell" he whispered his cold hands moving further in her thighs. "You can't even stand my touch, you're shivering like a bunny." He gave a hearty chuckle. "Let's see how well you can please me. If you do well, we move to the next step" He whispered, his breath cold against her skin. ----------------------------------- Accidentally getting a ticket, she must contest to be the king's wife. Unknowingly to her and the other contestants, the king was in a disguise as a guard leaving his brother in the disguise of the king. What happens when Cecilia falls deeply for this guard ignoring her quest of winning the king's heart. She had always been a simple girl who wanted a simple marriage and a simple home which led to her ignoring her quest of becoming the king's wife. But fate uses that to bring her and the disguised guard together. ----------------------------------------- Nothing interested him for decades, all he did was to commit gruesome sins. Either by gruesomely taking advantage of anything on skirts, or destroying every thing that stood as an obstacle. He had only one aim, to get so much power to avenge his mother's death. But all that changed when he met her. She annoyed him yet intrigued him and soon she became his obsession. But fate wants to keep them apart, Cecilia has to die by the one person she'll ever love, and for Zach, he had to kill the only person he ever loved which was Cecilia. Will the saying love conquers all stand. Or will fate play it's keys by forcefully taking Cecilia away

Frostbite_ · ファンタジー
53 Chs

Keep her company

Just like he said, the meal was brought in by three servants. Cecilia was drooling over the mouth watery food.

Cecilia ate quickly as possible and was led by Zach to her new room in his quarter. It was almost like a dream to her... Zach was the king.

But this dream, she wanted to wake up from it.

"This is where you will be staying from now on... And secondly, I won't be coming back until this evening. If you need anything, Vivian will be around to see to your needs"

Zach said to her and Cecilia couldn't help but wonder why he was telling her.


She finally dared to answer him.

"Good girl. Please take good care of yourself "

He deadpanned and walked away.

Cecilia rolled her eyes and entered the room to notice her things had been moved there already.

How fast.

The room was big. Far bigger than her former room. And it was decorated to a lady's taste.

But she couldn't imagine why he'd confess his love to her and end up making her be his slave.

She opened the door and found her way out of the building.

She inhaled and exhaled taking the fresh air.

Her life had taken a 360 turn and she wasn't liking it.

She noticed something about his quarters.

It looked dead, with no sign of life.

The flowers were dead, and for someone like her who had taken a bizarre fondness towards flowers, she could not help but feel unhappy.

"Milady, I was worried when I did not find you in your room"

She heard a voice. Turning around, she saw Vivian who approached her with a smile.

"Sorry that you had to worry about me. It was not my intention"

Cecilia apologized.

"No, no no. It's fine. What are you doing out here?"

Vivian asked gently.

"I wanted to be familiar with my new surrounding..."

Cecilia replied to see Vivian nod.

"I was wondering if you have a watering can.."

Cecilia said.

Vivian's brows furrowed.

"Yes, we do. But please leave it to us servants. We will..."

Vivian tried explaining.

"Well, aren't you aware that I am a slave?"

Cecilia questioned to see Vivian turn pale.

"Don't worry, I will be fine. I do this a lot back home. It is nothing. So please help me with water. I want to bring these flowers alive"

She smiled at Vivian and the woman couldn't help but sigh.

"Give me five minutes Milady. I will be back"

And with that, Vivian left Cecilia alone.

Cecilia grazed her fingers on the flowers and her hand mistakenly grazed a thorn and she shrieked.


She muttered gently as she sucked on her finger to see the wound start to heal. She smiled. This was something she did even when little. Rubbing her spittle on wounds to see them heal. But she never put it to heart, that it might just be something else making the wounds heal in seconds.

In less than no time, Vivian returned with a watering container and handed it to Cecilia.

Cecilia smiled and started watering the dead flowers as she whistled.

"I didn't know you liked flowers Milady"

Vivian commented as she supervised Cecilia.

"Of course I do. It was something I enjoyed doing back home"

Cecilia smiled as if reminiscing the old memories.

"Do you know what the time is!"

Cecilia asked.

"Umm, no I don't. I'll be back in no time. Let me go check"

Vivian said but before Cecilia could reject the idea, Vivian had gone far.

After checking the time, Vivian was about to go back to Cecilia when she heard Nicole.

"The king wants to see you"

Nicole said and Vivian knowing his routines, knew exactly where to find him.

He would be in his drawing room.

And that was exactly where she found him.

"Milford, you sent for me"

Vivian greeted him immediately after she entered the room.

"Hmm. I did... I am having a conversation with an acquaintance"

He replied, and truly, he was.

Vivian not wanting to intrude stepped out of the room.

Back in the room, the man Zach was speaking with had a horrific look while Zach played with the ring on his fingers.

"I said I will offer you half of my chiefdom"

The man spoke.

"I earlier said this issue isn't up for discussion. Being a chief doesn't make you deaf, Ernest."

Zach replied with an apathetic look on his face.

"Please Zach"

Ernest begged.

"Have you forgotten your manners?"

Zach questioned.

Ernest sighed.

"Maybe today is not a good day. I will come back another day with more tempting offers"

Ernest stood up then gave Zach a bow and exited the room.

Zach watched the man leave but he wasn't fazed.

The man came with a deal of ending the contest and getting married to his daughter a contestant.


Zach thought.

Vivian took the opportunity to get into the room.

"How is she?"

Zach asked immediately he saw Vivian enter the room and she knew precisely who he was talking about.

"She is doing fine, Milord... Just that she is watering the dead flowers"

Zach's lips twitched hearing Vivian.

"Keep her company, don't let her leave your sight"

Zach ordered as he picked up his coat and began wearing it.

"Are you going out Milord?"

Vivian enquired.

"Yes... I will be back soon"

He deadpanned and Vivian bowed her head and then left the room.


"You took quite some time"

Cecilia said smiling at Vivian who approached her.

"Something came up Milady... It is noon"

Vivian replied getting to Cecilia.

Cecilia smiled and continued watering the flowers on the other side.

"For how long have these flowers been dead?"

Cecilia questioned.

"For as long as I started working here. About forty years ago Milady... Prince Jacob and Princess Linda had not even been born yet"

Vivian replied.

But something stuck to Cecilia.

Forty years ago.

"I don't know if it's called prying, but had Zach, the king been born then?"

Cecilia asked borrowing her brows.

"If it is a bad question, I wouldn't answer it. When I came to work here, Zach was here as a guard. If I am to take a guess, he was in his twenties then Milady"

Vivian replied and Cecilia got even more confused.

From a guard to the king?

Things were not making sense.

She could ask Zach someday, but there was a question she had been meaning to ask.

"Is there a queen in this castle?"

Cecilia asked.

"Yes, there is... Zach's grandmother.."

Vivian replied but almost immediately, furrowed her brows.

"It is quite complicated Milady, and even I don't have the answer to all you seek. Maybe you should ask the king when you are free"

Vivian continued.


Cecilia replied.

She noticed the sun had gotten hotter and decided to rest with Vivian when someone walked toward them.

"What a pleasant surprise. Isn't it bunny?"

Zach asked with a smile on his face, but something danced through his eyes as he approached them.

Something evil.


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Note__ I won't update weekends for now. I need some time to rest so I won't fall sick.

Love you all(Wink)