

"To be honest, I'm surprised, I never thought that the girl who was texting me would be you."  A love story like no other, A love story that bloomed between two persons that never saw each other, Inesa and Vincent who knew each other through a dating app. Will, it's different for Inesa the girl who due to her special disease that caused her to be an antisocial person who's hated by her relatives. Inesa Cirillo, A girl who is born with a golden spoon in her mouth and inherited the enormous fortune of her father but there's one problem, Inesa is unable to take the family business after her father because of her disease and her antisocial problems and that where the rule of Vincent Semenov comes. Excited to know more about the story, Add it to your library and follow the updates. 

Cornflower · 都市
13 Chs

Forgot about her fears

Watching from the stairs the scene in front of her despicable relatives being kicked out of the house by the bodyguards, seeing them being beaten up and humiliated made me feel a bit better.

Insea wished that they were the ones who beat them up, she always dreamed about taking revenge for how badly they treated her.

Insea wanted to be a more confident person but she always had a weak personality that's why everyone bullied her when she was a kid.

The kids used to call her a monster for how she looked, when Inesa was a child she went through a very hard time accepting herself. Being different is difficult in this world and she was unfortunate to be born with complete albinism.

Going back to her room, Inesa sat in front of the dressing table staring at her reflection in the mirror, she reached to touch her face, her skin was so pale, and her white hair as if she aged quickly.

Inesa hated how her protruding eyes looked, the blue color of her eyes only added to how hideous she was. Everything about her is ugly.

Why was she born like this?


Out of anger and desperation, Inesa picked up the perfume bottle and hit it against the mirror shattering the glasses into small pieces.

"I hate myself." Inesa broke into tears, Sobbing.

Everything that she was keeping inside her, the death of her father, and the way her family treated her put a toll on her and she couldn't take it anymore.


The sound of glass shattering alerted everyone downstairs including Vincent and his men.

Turning to look at Metadata who didn't rush upstairs to check what was happening, Vincent concluded that what happened wasn't something new.

"I apologize, but as you know the young miss is in a grieving phase. The loss of her father is too much for her to handle." Metadata explained with an apologetic look on her face.

"No need to explain, I understand." Vincent replied, `` I understand the situation. My man will stay here to make sure that nothing happens and if you or Miss Cirillo don't hesitate to call me." He added.

"I will." Metadata replied.

When Vincent left, Metadata went upstairs to check on Inesa and as always she was sitting In the darkness, still crying.

"Inesa." Metadata called her with a gentle tone as she approached her.

"Please leave, I want to be alone." Inesa said, her voice weak from crying for a long time.

Metadata sighed and nodded her head."Alright, But please don't hurt yourself."

Metadata was worried that Inesa might try to hurt herself as she did six years ago when she tried to commit suicide.

Receiving no reply from her, Metadata added hoping her words will help her."Losing a loved one isn't easy, mourning is necessary because it's part of the healing process, we'll never be able to forget about them but we have to move on."

Metadata said and left the room, giving the young miss the space she needs.

Wiping the tears from her face, Inesa stood up and walked towards the bed, laying her tired body on the soft bed. She reached for the picture frame that was placed on the nightstand. She hugged it and closed her eyes, drifting to sleep.

It was the picture of her mother and father, the last picture that was taken before her mother passed away.

Inesa didn't know how she would be able to continue living with no family by her side, it was going to be hard from here onwards and now the only thing she hopes is to close her eyes and never wake up again. She wanted to go to heaven, where her mother and father are.


A month later.

It was early in the morning, and everyone was doing their usual work routine, cleaning the house, and cooking meals.

"The house has become less lively since Mr. Roland passed away." One of the maids spoke.

"Yes, the young miss doesn't come out of her room like before, this girl is unfortunate, all that her relatives want is to take her money." The other maid said.

Metadata, who was standing by the window, overheard the maids' conversation. She wished that Inesa would just hear this and know how much everyone here loves her and that they could be her second family. but she shit herself from everyone.

"The young miss's breakfast is ready." The maid said, handing the tray to Metadata.

Taking the tray to Inesa's room, Metadata knocked on the door before she entered.

"Your breakfast, eat it before it gets cold." Metadata spoke watching the young miss busy with something on her phone.

Inesa rarely uses her phone, she always uses her tablet to watch movies or play phone games, so what is she doing that she is so focused on?

"Thank you, I will eat it." Inesa spoke without taking her eyes off the phone screen.

Metadata's mouth parted in a silent gasp, shocked by what the young miss said. She usually told her to leave but this time she thanked her. What on earth was happening this morning to speak so nicely?

Once Metadata left, Inesa grabbed the tray and put it on the bed, picking up the cup of warm milk. She took a big sip from the milk, put it back on the tray, and went back to focusing on the phone.

Inesa was checking her Facebook page when she suddenly saw an ad for a dating app. At first ,she was about to scrawl past it but when she saw how many the comments were, she felt curious and wanted to know.

Opening the advertisement video to watch it, Inesa's curiosity picked up. She always read stories on Facebook about couples who met on dating apps, fell in love, and even got married.

Males were off limits to Inesa, Being homeschooled, and being antisocial people. She never had a connection with boys, but like any girl of her age she too wants to date and be in a relationship but the question that always concerns her is, will any man like her?

Inesa decided that for once in her life, she forgot about her fears.