

after trying so many times, a couple couldn't get a child. then they make a wish to a legendary dragon, and their wish is fulfilled. is that child, normal or not?

Utkarshuniyal · ファンタジー
18 Chs


Aldon saying "if you want to become stronger, then first you have to learn how to survive in this forest"

Eric smile and said "for me, jungle is my second home"

Aldon said " you are that confident, let see how long will you make that face"

(Aldon take him to the outer part of the deep forest. where lower-level animals and beasts live)

then he explains to Eric about beasts.

" beasts are divided into 3 categories, and each category is divided into subcategories.

1st category, higher-level beast=

subcategories 1- higher-high-level.

2- higher-mid-level.

3- higher-low-level.

2nd category, medium level beasts=

1- medium-high-level.

2- medium-mid-level.

3- medium-low-level.

3rd category, lower level beasts=

1- lower-high-level.

2- lower-mid-level.

3- lower-low-level.

we are at the outermost part of deep forest, here mostly lower low-level beasts live, if you want to become stronger, I will start your training, right now "

Eric said " we just came out of the pit, and you start my training that fast, I am not in a hurry"

Aldon reply "don't ask any question, see there is a rabbit 50 meters ahead. go, and kill him"

Eric said "are you sure that thing is a rabbit, that thing is bigger than me"

Aldon reply " why are you surprised, haven't you seen a rabbit before"

Eric replied "I have seen rabbits before, they are small, they don't have horns and out of all they are vegetarian "

Aldon reply "I don't remember any rabbit-like that, don't make any excuse, that is just a lower low-level monster"

Eric said "fine"

Aldon ask "which one do you prefer sword or dagger "

Eric replied " I am not good with swords, I choose dagger"

( Eric went to kill the rabbit, as soon as they both came out of the pit, Aldon give Eric a task to kill the rabbit, because he wanted to see the potential of Eric, and how hard he had to work on him.)

Aldon seeing Eric movement, which he has never seen before. the way of handling the dagger and only attacking the vital part of the body surprised Aldon, Aldon thinking (this kid is good at understanding the situation, he only attacking the vital part of rabbit body. and the way he is handling the dagger is as if he has years of training and combat experience. I think it's not a waste to take him under me )

after few minutes Eric finally kills the rabbit.

Aldon said "a kid of your age already kill that rabbit in half of the time you have taken, you need to work hard. but you are successful in your task, it's your reward, a special ring, it has a space of 100-meter cube, it's a royal special ring only the member of elf royal family has it, you can have this, collect the body of rabbit in it, and you don't need to Cary this sword and other things put it in the ring"

Eric knows the things that Aldon said from the start is just not to make him arrogant. so he just listened to them, and after receiving the reward he just says "thank you"

Aldon takes him to a nearby cave, and make a protective barrier in front of the cave. he knows Eric haven't eaten anything from yesterday so he makes him food from the rabbit. Eric eats that food and smiling, it's the first time that Aldon sees a smile on his face.

Aldon ask "why you so eager to become strong"

Eric reply "to protect those whom I love"

Aldon say "you are just five years old and you talk like a mature man, you should act like at your age, those things look good on kids"

Eric replied with a smile " I acted like my age before and I regret that"

after hearing Eric words Aldon thinks (what have he gone through.)

Next Morning

Aldon saying

"kid, from now, I will teach you swordsmanship, the swordsmanship that I will teach you is the strongest sword style in Elfeim, it's called 'heaven slayer'

it has 7 forms, and each form is stronger than its previous form. watch me, I will demonstrate to you its first form.

(Aldon demonstrate its first form, Eric watch it carefully. )

Aldon said " have you watch my step carefully, or I demonstrate again "

Eric said " no need "

(Eric remember every footstep carefully, the way Aldon swinging his sword, Eric swings the same way.)

seeing Eric remember everything perfectly Aldon was shocked, thinking (what type of monster he is, to remember every step of mine)

after Aldon saw all 6 forms and Eric remember everything, then Aldon demonstrate his first move again, and he cut 7 trees in an instant, then said " to do this you have to master the first form and generate sword aura around you, for that you need to practice every day"

Eric said "How long will it take "

Aldon reply "it depends on how hard you will work"

Eric ask "I have seen a hand coming out of the ground, what is it?"

Aldon said "that must be someone with earth attribute"

Eric ask "what is an attribute?"

Aldon answers "everyone is born with an attribute. there are four attributes fire, water, wind and earth, that awaken at the age between 10 to 12, for that, kids have to learn to gather mana in them, they started gathering mana at age of 8, then they will get a chance to awaken between 10 to 12.

Eric ask " how to gather mana?"

Aldon answers" for that you have to feel mana in the atmosphere, then gather them into your heart. when you gather enough mana, it will burst. and create room there, then your body automatically absorbs mana from the atmosphere and gather as a form of your attribute, for fire it will saw fire, for wind it will saw the storm, for water it's the sea, for earth it's land.

but all these things are for later, when you reach 8th year, first make your foundation strong, now go, practice and kill at least 5 beasts at lower low level daily.

Eric leaves, and start practising the first form of heaven slayer. after hunting, he went to a quiet place and sit down. he closes his eyes and starts feeling the atmosphere, after 1 hour, he feels something, golden dust around him. floating in the atmosphere, then he wakes up and went back to the cave and ask Aldon "how mana look like"

Aldon answers "golden colour as a form of dust"

Eric said "I will start gathering mana too"

Aldon said "don't be impulsive kid, only at age of 8, you can sense mana in the atmosphere after practice. and you are saying gathering mana, you are just 5 years, it's impossible.

Eric reply with confidence

if it's me, then it's possible...