
Indian multiverse

like all fan fiction novel me as a mc will travel through the all type of world, as a indian I will use my own proclaim gods for granting wishes Lord vishnu, brahama and mahesh. first world I will travel indian favorite mahabharat, some indian serial for like a fun .

Sonu_kumar_lion · テレビ
27 Chs

Death and reincarnation

when I was walking suddenly a thunder strike me, after a long time I saw their no light only darkness. Then realise that I am dead, then a etherial mind soothing voice came to my ear, then I stopped panicking asked who are you? , then they said I am the one you called the God, aur in different name like brahama, vishnu, mahesh etc, etc...

After that God said you died by mistake, so I will give 6 wishes, then I said my first wish would be a system which will help me in traveling through the multiverse, second I want instant learning ability which will help in learning any technique upto your level Lord, my third wish I want to reincarnate in the time line of karna when he was five years, my fourth wish I want an world which have all type where I can practice, my fifth wish is to have God like medicine knowledge and last or 6 th wish to get heaven library in which their all type of sword technique , cultivation technique and nija technique etc.

After listening to the they said ok wish may full filled the a crack opened thorn near the house of karna, after it start checking my wish are true or not then I went my inner dimension, started checking heavens library then first learn shadow clone technique made 1000 clone and instruct to learn and cultivate in my inner space my using heaven library. Then I ventured toward the karna house meet karna mother radhya, she said little child were are you form, then made a story that my parent were dead I have no were to go so travel find a city were I can work and eat something. radhya mother of karna after thought she said you are so little how can you work come with me I will give food and if you like us stay with us.

After that radhya the mother of karna taken me to his home and narrated my store to his husband, the radhya husband said that okh he can stay with us, karna father work as saarthi of ganga putra Bhishma. when karna know he is very happy to have a friend to whom he can play.

After this I and karna was playing around the outskirts of city because city's children doesn't play with because we are sut putra, so we play with our self only.

(time skip)

In this five I was mastered all the technique of the heavens library my cultivation reached to indra's rank, in this world ranks are sanik, warriors, ultimate Warrior, maharathi, ati maharathi, mahabali, ati mahabali and last indra ranks. I am in peak in thise world.

In second year I went with karna's father to see rajmahal of kaurav. In their I saw duryodhan and his brother's karna was the friend of duryodhan I was also become his friend in one year I didn't distrub the time line because I was not be staying in this world after mahabharat war.

In third year I asked karna you want to learn fighting technique and archery he said yes then I said to disclose this to any one I taken promis form karna and given him heaven technique and method how to cultivate it, in this two year I was teaching him he reached ultimate Warrior rank in this time.

Hope you enjoy ed it please give power stone