
Incubus Bloodline

⚠️Caution, ☠️ Maximus' body has awakened a bloodline that grants him supernatural powers. This Power allows him to enjoy certain privileges with any type of woman including his own family. But this is just the tip of the iceberg in a supernatural world, full of dangers and into which Maximus will enter little by little, while he imparts, justice with his staff of the truth to each woman who crosses his path.

9 Chs

Maximus Bloodborne

✨ please, Take your time to read. ✨

While the teacher Dolores carefully explains the school work that we have to do at home by the end of our vacation, all my classmates looked closely at the clock on the wall.

There were only five minutes left for the end of classes.

Today our vacation period begins, two weeks without classes, without getting up early, without school work and most importantly without responsibilities.

As the minutes go by, the whispers of the boys and their meaningless talks begin to grow and grow, having the teacher ask them to keep quiet and pay attention.

the boys and girls were silent, but a couple of minutes later the murmur returned and this time it was more intense.

The teacher looked at the clock and sighed, cleared her throat and said —"you can leave, the class is over."— at that moment, everyone keep quiett and seconds later the school bell rang making everyone including the classrooms nearby also shouted with emotion....it was not for less we would have two weeks without school classes...

Everyone got up and started making different types of plans, other classmates immediately left the classroom without saying goodbye like the teacher and some more exchanged jokes among their group of friends.

For my part, I just put my things away and prepared to leave in silence... Before leaving I heard a scream behind me. —Hey, Maximus let's go to the mall tomorrow. "—He tells me,

When I came back to see, I realized it was Tommy, I made a little memory, but I ended up confirming and signaling for him to call me if his plans are still ongoing...

When leaving the classroom and entering the main corridor there are several groups of boys distributed along the corridor, while others head towards the exit and others towards the gym...

I wrinkled my face when I see the basketball group with the girls around it, I let out a sigh before heading towards the exit... I never liked sports...

I passed between the groups to half the corridorand when I heard their comments I just rolled my eyes...when I got to the exit I went straight to the parking lot...I was sure that my mother would already be waiting for me...

She always picks me up, it's not for fun, nor is it an obligation, she only goes out to eat at this time and it's easier for me to get home...

I greeted from a distance and brought me closer to the wine-colored CVR van. mom honked the horn a couple of times as she always does... when she got in she greeted me with a kiss on the cheek and as a courtesy she asked me —"how was your day? "—while trying to back out of the parking lot...

As I put on my seatbelt. I answer... —"Great"— Mom nods and pays attention to the road... —"Your sisters will go with Aunt Selma and your aunt already confirmed this morning.."— my mother waits a couple of seconds and look at my reaction adding... —"are you sure you don't want to go? "—

I shake my head. —"I prefer to go with the grandparents. "— I tell him as an answer. My mom gives me that weird look. —"your grandparents don't have access to the internet you know that, right"—

I nodded and smiled. —"Sometimes it's good to get away from those things a little."—I told him.

My mother takes a sigh and comments. —" you know it's for your own good, we don't like you looking at those things too often and being locked in your room all day... "—

— "I know mom, I'll really be fine." — I answered without losing the smile...

Mom nods and change the subject. — "Okay. What do you want to eat tomorrow afternoon?, your father sent the money and he was thinking about a restaurant, what do you think." —

Although the restaurant sounded good, I kept thinking for a moment.. — "we better order something light for dinner, what do you think" — I answer and look at her...

Mom thought of the idea and she nods. — "I think it's a very good idea, besides, your sisters will leave in the morning, your father will arrive until Monday and I want to watch the new Korean series without distractions... "— Mom answers...

I just roll my eyes at her plans for my birthday night before I sigh... I think the restaurant was better...

When looking at the house from the street, mom tells me — "when will you mow the garden?"

—"what do you think about sunday"— I answered

Mom gives me that strange look again, lets out a sigh and tells me — "well, but without fail" — she just smiled and we entered the garage of the house...

When I got out of the truck, mom asked me to take the bags from the supermarket, having to make several trips from the truck to the kitchen...

On one side of the entrance were four suitcases perfectly lined up and I could hear to my sisters running from one side to the other. While they ask if they have this or that...I don't blame them they have been waiting for this trip since the beginning of the year.....

Mom's scream when entering the house made my four sisters stop everything they are doing before going down and saying hello.... when the girls go down to the living room Mom they are scolded for the scant clothes they are wearing... between jokes the girls They don't take much importance to the matter...

For my part, I continue making the trips with the supermarket bags and when I finish I go up to my bedroom and try not to go out, my sisters will not take long to be in a bad mood because their time is running out....

At lunchtime we all went downstairs together and at the end the girls stayed talking with mom, while I went back to my bedroom to read a book since mom restricted my internet until the end of the month...

The same thing happened for dinner and I had to wait for my sisters to stop hogging the bathroom, so I could take a shower...

I stayed in the bedroom the rest of the night...I tried to stay up until midnight when I officially turned 18, but I failed and fell asleep 30 minutes before...


The heat at night increased and I woke up several times, having to take off all my clothes and I throw them to the sides until I was completely naked. But the discomfort and my sweaty body would wake me up for very short periods of time, before falling asleep again...

5:55 a.m.

There are 5 minutes left until the alarm goes off..

(what a birthday) I comment in my mind, stretch out my hand and turn off the alarm clock with a loud bang... "Paah".

Suddenly my ears start to ring, hearing screeching noises that make me clench my jaw hard. I cover my ears to try to muffle the sound and lessen the pain in my brain...

Before I open my mouth to complain, I feel my body start to heat up to the point where all my skin turns red and if this isn't enough, a torrent of information starts to reach my brain in the form of images.....

These images become words that are unreadable in a kind of chant that resonates and makes my brain prick until I collapse on the bed...

It was only a second of real time.

Without seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling or tasting my own saliva at least, but that darkness felt like thousands of years passed...

When I was about to go totally crazy, a light appeared and turned into text, a golden text like incomprehensible Egyptian hieroglyphics after several attempts I read between the lines "the Gods exist"...

This is not what I say, nor did I get enlightened, much less was it my way of thinking...

It is written insistently in these hieroglyphs and when I understood that part, the writing began to reach my brain more quickly and as I understand more words, they flow and flow, until they become a torrent of information that completely collapses my brain. ...

When my brain adapts to this type of information, another great torrent arrives and between the two they collapse my brain again.

When my brain adapts a third torrent arrives...

This is repeated..

And it repeats...

Until a rivulet of information forms and flows into my brain, but as my brain adjusts, another rivulet comes and then another...

This is repeated...

Streams become mighty rivers, then a wild sea.

The seas become small oceans that later become mega oceans and flood my brain with information..

My brain adapts, grows and swallows all that information, until it turns dark as a tar stain...

When I can finally see clearly, I realize that all this information is just a small drop and this same process is repeated not thousands of times, it was billions of times...

The saddest thing about this is that I am fully aware of this entire process and my brain it was like a tar stain that barely moves, but it was consuming everything to form itself.

The most painful thing in this process was the feel the crunch of each one of my bones as they broke to reform before breaking again, building a stronger bone and that bone barely resisted a little more, before collapsing and repeating the same process....

This is repeated and repeated without rest.

Each one of my bones was reformed to the point of fearing a complete skeleton where as a brain I had this stain of tar swallowing all kinds of information...

Every muscle on the bones was compacted millions of times receiving the same process and let's not talk about the 5 circulatory systems that surrounded the body...

Yes, as you read, there were five, because in addition to the blood, respiratory, and nervous systems, there were two other much more extensive and complex systems throughout my body.

If we give a color to each system..

The sanguine is red, the respiratory is blue, the black is the nervous and the other two that cover the first three were a light blue and a gold...

I really do not want to bore you with repetitive and tedious processes that are repeated millions of times ad nauseam or the millions of times that the entire process had to be restarted because the tar stain consumed the body....

Until the vessel (the skeleton) was strong enough to contain the tar blob. ( Brain )

When I finally became aware, this was my body and I was face up in the middle of my bed.

This whole process felt like an eternity because I looked at the clock on the side of the bed and barely 1 second had passed...

Suddenly the whole process started repeating and repeating itself.

In a total of 5 minutes...

6:00 am.

I experienced the same process 300 times if you wonder... I really don't know how to say this, but I wasn't the same guy anymore... I realize when I open my eyes and see my body, but especially my crotch ....(shit, it's a monster) I say in my mind when I see the size of my shaft...it measures more than twice as long as before...this left me surprised...not even with With both hands I was able to cover my entire cock, because there is a piece left over where another hand easily enters.....

The most striking thing was not the fatness of my cock, the pink color, the bulging veins or the diamond shape at its tip, the most striking thing is that when I slap it, the cock goes down. but seconds later it returns to the same place.

the rigidity of the erection was perfect, it does not hang to the side, it does not bend and it does not curve either. is always rigid as an arrow....Besides, this cock is mine...