
Incubus's Blood

[Incubus's Curse: B1 (re-written)(Alternative version)] Hiro is just an ordinary teenager with dreams like everyone else, he wants a life to his own away from his family's drama, he wants friends, he even wants his family, and he definitely wants love. But life isn't so generous to him, it drags him down deep into the darkness of the shadow plane where he's forced into bindings by a powerful witch who wants him for his secret powers. And to make it all the worse, the witch's pet who's a real Demon Succubus, starts taking a liking to her master's newest servant, an she ends up attached to the chaotic mess who truly was Hiro. But there was something different this time? And it's him? The real Hiro wasn't that cheerful idiot his friends knew him as, he was bitter, cold, hot headed and intolerant, but who was there to see him like this but the monsters, no one, and he accepts it. But he doesn't plan on staying here and when he returns back home however the heck he's going to get back, his only hope is to make everything right, or at least that's how he used to think. Because when he returns, and he returns back to his realm, he's different, this isn't a happy silly playful gush story no more, cuz, when he comes back miraculously, he follows no one's path. Because when he comes back the Hiro everyone knew died, this guy, this wasn't even a man, when he comes back, he's more like, his predecessors before him, because he comes back a Demon. And the only light he sees, is one not of his own. Because the story used to be: When he came back he was lost an confused but no, this was his true story, the not so heroic story, an when he comes back, he's going to teach them all a lesson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Author: Hey everyone, Incubus's Curse: Path to incubism was a story that I wrote my freshman year back in highschool, hard to believe that I've come this far and let me just tell you... there's a whole lot i wish I could have done in that story that I didn't and imma also say it's super cheesy, cringe, and embarrassing to me, yeah, so after a year or more later and after a whole lot of time to develope my craft, I'm going to give this another shot and redo the story with an alternative route, because imma just tell you there was no set goal or point to that first book, and so this one, I actually have something in mind and I hope y'all stick with me during this new process and help me out by pointing out errors or confusing things I put in here becauee I'm not native English. Anyways, this is going to be a new alternative book, I'm calling it Incubus's Blood: Original Curse since well... Hehe you'll see bruh. Anyways, this is a free book so I hope you don't drop because I'm gonna make it as good as I can, especially with seeing the errors of my ways, and I hope y'all enjoy, imma put a lot of work into it. Also we have a book 2 of this, which is really good! In my honest opinion though, it deals with phycological breaking and rebuilding in the first 2 volumes for many reason. All to build character though, and other things... No need to get into it unless you wanna talk to me through discord about it which I'll leave my thing at the bottom, anyhow. I hope you like this book, I'm running out of space to write so I'm just gonna say that this book goes anywhere and uses ah real life cause and effects system. Anything goes. Hopefully no NTR'ing, Cucking, bla bla bla you get it. Also I was stupid with a few things in the other book and it's goin to change a lot from here on out and occasional hook ups happen and other shit like that and also there might. Just might be a harem, I'm thinking on it. I might just do a companion system but it's whatever an such. . . . . . . . . . . . . Hey picture doesn't belong to me, if it's yours cool work, contact me if you want it gone. If not, n cool, like you work. Discord: TurtleMaster6319#1659

TurtleMaster6319 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Witch And The Devil

<p>The world plunged into darkness as he lay on the cold, hard ground in the mysterious room. His consciousness remained intact, even as his body was tossed and grabbed relentlessly.<br/><br/>When he awoke from the haunting ordeal, he found himself in a chilling realm. A frigid breeze caressed his skin, and a sense of foreboding surrounded him. As he opened his eyes, the ground beneath him revealed a desolate landscape of withering dirt. Above, grey trees stood like silent sentinels in the abyss.<br/><br/>Struggling to rise, he moved his hands, attempting to push himself off the ground. With determination, he fought against the pain and managed to stand. Yet, his body bore the marks of a recent encounter – a painful reminder of the impalement he endured. His leg had been stitched with eerie black lines, a macabre testament to the unknown forces at play.<br/><br/>As he grappled with the agony pulsating through him, a distant chanting echoed in the stillness. A feeling of being surrounded gripped him, and he darted his eyes in every direction, searching for the source of the ominous incantation.<br/><br/>"I'm... I'm surrounded," he murmured, his voice betraying a tremor of unease.<br/><br/>The grey, lifeless trees offered no solace. Suddenly, a burst of magic pierced the air, and he felt the weight of impending doom. Turning his gaze toward the looming figure on the horizon, a silhouette shrouded in darkness, he sensed an overwhelming aura of despair.<br/><br/>Determined to escape, he pushed against the unforgiving soil, striving to lift his injured leg. The chanting intensified, and spheres of necrotic green energy materialized around the approaching figure, casting an eerie glow on the desolate landscape.<br/><br/>In the midst of his struggle, he was abruptly pulled down, enveloped in complete darkness. A mysterious force held him down, a grip that seemed to defy the laws of reality. Silence fell as his vision was obscured.<br/><br/>His wrist was seized, pinned to the ground. Darkness pressed against him, and a malevolent force loomed over him. A profound and unsettling silence settled over the bleak surroundings.<br/><br/>The attacker's strength was immense, and the pain that followed was excruciating. Ribs cracked under the pressure, and a torturous symphony of suffering played out. Tears flowed down his face as the assailant's sharp nails dug into his flesh.<br/><br/>As the torment continued, his mouth was forced open, and an invasive kiss stole his breath away. Resistance proved futile in the face of such overpowering malevolence.<br/><br/>The approaching steps hinted at an impending ordeal. A plea for mercy escaped his lips as the attacker slammed him down once more. The woman in black, holding necrotic energy, observed the unfolding scene with cold detachment. The devil, directed to end his life, remained resolute.<br/><br/>In a final attempt at survival, he channeled fire into his arms, unleashing a Greater Fireball that illuminated the desolate landscape. The devil recoiled, providing a brief window of opportunity. Seizing the chance, he crawled away, desperate to put distance between himself and the encroaching darkness.<br/><br/>However, his shadow betrayed him, manifesting as tentacle-like hands that ensnared and lifted him. Almost losing consciousness, he heard a voice explaining that the devil had spared his life, proclaiming ownership over him. The woman declared herself as his master, sealing his fate in the enigmatic realm of shadows.</p>