
Incredible life with a SYSTEM

Darry Fang was from a poor family from the fang village on the foot of mount ming after losing his job he decided to go back to the village and do farm work..But after waking down the road He was hit by lightning....... ..... ... host found ........intergating.....1%..10%...........50%....60% .............................................................100% ......congratulation host far gaining the unparaleled check-in system..........

Going_Now · SF
3 Chs


After opening the door and going in Darry saw someone rushing toward him the next moment he feel something incredibly soft in his hand he take a look and saw that it was manager Shein's boob and he can't stop staring at it and his hand from squeshing it once again.. he was enjoying the feeling of holding a big boob when a hand slapped his face living a hand print on it.. then I hear manager Shein's Angy shout....Get Ouuut!!

I'm so sorry, sorry .....Darry was about to apologize again when he heard the manager's loud shout again.....

I said!! Get Out ...Nooow!!!!!

Darry went out and the next thing he know he was fired ...

And after a week he decided to go back to the village and farm now he was about half thougth the way to fang village while waking a lightning suddenly stike from the sky and hit Darry....

After the lighning passes Darry was lying on the side of the road with burnt skin and bloody head before losing conciousness he heard a voice...

Host found.....integrating.....1%.....10%...50%....60.....1000...

Congratulations host for gaining unparaleled check-in system........

while waking her way home from the town Sasha saw a burnt human body by the road side she was about to run away when she find the body quit familiar so she slowly went near the body to cheak who it was

When she saw the face of the man

Altough it is not so clear because of the blood covering the face she still could recognize who it was

Is that Darry?? What happend to him? she thougth...

she went near him to check if he was still breathing

a happy smile surface from her beautiful face when she was sure that he was still alive she bent down and carried darry on her back because she dont have a cellphone to call an ambulance she decided to bring her back to the village since she check and only superfical wound on Darry' head... She wonder where so much blood came from since its just a little wound on Darry's head..