
Incompatible Interspecies Wives

Polygamy is abolished. ... We don't have to force ourselves to live together anymore. [Note: I read the latest chapters as soon as the author publishes them, so I can assure you; this novel does NOT have ntr, blackmail, cheating, etc.]

Infernal_Infinite · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Chapter 37: Spreading Reputation (3)

Gibson Blackwood found himself less anxious these days.

Many things within his territory were slowly getting back to normal

The forest, once harmed by monsters and magic, was gradually recovering its pristine state.

People, who had surrendered to despair and lost all hope, were finally starting to get back on their feet, one after another. The sounds of crying that once filled the air were giving way to an emergent chorus of laughter.

All this was made possible thanks to the sacrifice of the Red Flames and Ner.

He continued to work to prosper his territory, hoping that his daughter was holding up well.

-Thump, thump

'Father, I have arrived.'

A slightly urgent voice echoed from outside.

Gibson nodded, allowing his eldest son, Gidon, to enter the room.

"Come in."

As soon as Gidon entered the room, he said to Gibson.

"We have a visitor."

"A visitor?"

Gibson briefly wondered if there was something he had forgotten in his recent hectic schedule.

However, no matter how much he racked his brain, there were no expected visitors.

"Who's asking to see us?"

"It's the Celebrien family. They are currently with our soldiers at the Blackwood territory border."

Gibson, having maintained smooth diplomacy with the Celebrien family, did not feel uneasy about their sudden appearance.

He was simply curious as to why they had come in such a rush.

Drowned in the issues concerning the Blackwood territory for a while, Gibson hadn't had time to keep up with what was happening in other families.

…Even so, he had a hunch. Perhaps the Celebriens were acting so aggressively and hastily because they were facing the same issues as the Blackwoods.

Gibson nodded and said to Gidon.

"Bring in the guests."

Gidon nodded back in response.





After a while, Gibson observed as the elves made their way into his mansion.

In contrast to the typical Celebrien elves, who always carried themselves with dignity and grandeur, these seemed different.

They appeared rather rushed, missing the usual calmness on their faces.

There was no carriage as if they had hurriedly rushed here, and the usual entourage of servants was missing.

Instead, Ascal Celebrien, the head of the Celebrien family, appeared on horseback with just a few escorts. Tall height, slender body with a young and handsome face. Despite being hundreds of years old, Ascal looked younger than Gibson, a surprising sight indeed.

Gidon, who escorted the elves, first dismounted from his horse and led Ascal to Gibson.

With a light touch to his forehead, Ascal bowed his head.

"Lord Blackwood."

Gibson, respecting the greeting in werewolf way, blinked a few times and reciprocated the gesture.

"Elder, what brings you here..."


At those words, Ascal Celebrian clenched his teeth.

For Gibson, it was the first time seeing such an emotional expression from this old elf.

Having lived not a short life himself, Gibson couldn't help but be more surprised.

"...Can we discuss matters inside?"

Ascal asked. Seeing Ascal, who had lost his arrogant aura, Gibson understood the seriousness of the situation. He could certainly guess the reason as well. Given he was in a similar position some time ago, he nodded his head in agreement.


Once the two were alone in a room, Ascal let out a long sigh.

Gibson, respectful of his guest, offered him a cup of tea and asked.

"What's the matter?"

Gibson had known Ascal since he was born. His father, and even his grandfather, were said to have been acquainted with Ascal.

Regardless of his own position, Gibson held a deep respect for Ascal, rooted in these long-established connections.

Ascal seemed like a wise old sage to Gibson. And when such a sage revealed his emotions with a serious expression, Gibson couldn't help but feel intrigued.

"Gibson. Our territory can no longer hold back the tide of monsters."

In this private setting, Ascal spoke more informally. Gibson didn't mind. After all, Ascal had called him Gibson since he was a child, so formal speech would have felt more awkward and uncomfortable.

"For the time being, we're holding the line... but we require a solution. Soon everything may collapse at once. Inevitably...the World Tree too will come under attack from the monsters."

The World Tree...

At that word, Gibson nodded his head.

To the elves, the World Tree was as sacred as the five gods they believed in.

They held the belief that if the World Tree died, the world would also perish.

"We need assistance. Could you perhaps send some of the Blackwood soldiers? I assure you, this favor will not be forgotten, even after hundreds of years."

Under normal circumstances, Ascal would have spoken about the mutual need to safeguard the World Tree. But seeing the old elf hold back such words, Gibson realized he was choosing his words very carefully.

He wasn't pushing his beliefs onto others, making his desperation more evident.


Even though things were unfolding as Gibson had predicted, it was difficult for him to respond.

As there were no races as esteemed and noble as the elves, Gibson also wanted to help Ascal.

But Blackwood too was stretched thin.

Just a few weeks ago, they had been struggling under the onslaught of the monsters.

If it weren't for Ner's sacrifice, they wouldn't have survived.

Seeing Gibson's silence, Ascal let out a sigh.

"...I understand."

Gibson opened his mouth as if to justify himself.

"...Elder, I really want to help. But it's hard for us as we've only just escaped the onslaught of the monsters."

"The onslaught of the monsters?"

With the recent increase in monster attacks, information exchange had become much slower. Gibson thought Ascal knew about the monsters that had invaded Blackwood, but when he realized Ascal didn't, he elaborated.

"We've recently been struggling with the monsters. Didn't you see the destroyed forest on your way here?"

"I did, but..."

"Blackwood was on the brink of extinction. If not for a bit of luck... you might not have found me here today."

"...I see you've been through a tough time. I'm sorry I didn't realize."

"No need to apologize. We're all in a difficult situation."

After a moment of silence, Ascal breathed in and asked a question. Gibson could already guess what it would be.

"...But how did you manage to escape such danger?"

"We hired a human mercenary group."

"...Ah. A human mercenary group."

Ascal let out another sigh in disappointment at the fact Gibson revealed.

Gibson asked about the reason for his sigh.

"Why do you sigh?"

"...We can't afford to hire mercenaries. So far, no mercenary group has accepted our offers."

Gibson elaborated on the Blackwoods' situation.

"We didn't have much to offer the mercenary group either."


"...In the end, I had to give up one of my own children."

"The mercenary group took a person as compensation?"


Ascal was startled by this, yet he pressed his lips together in a bitter line.

"...That's truly unfortunate. No, I suppose it's fortunate since it saved your territory."


"Who did you have to give up?"

"Ner. My youngest daughter."

"...Ner, is it? The child who liked our Arwin?"


Gibson marveled at Ascal's ability to remember such a small detail. At the same time, he remembered Ner and smiled. However, Ascal's sighs grew deeper with each revelation.

Once again, Gibson queried about his sighs.


"Ah, I apologize. I keep sighing."

"Not at all. I understand. I was in that position not long ago."

Ascal's face contorted as he spoke.

"...It's the fact that it's the humans that bothers me. We were prepared to make a sacrifice, but whether we'll see a result worthy of that sacrifice... I can't be certain."

"Are you referring to the mercenary group?"

"...Yes, that's correct."

"If it's about their capabilities…"

Gibson contemplated for a moment, then yelled towards the door.

"Gidon! Are you there!"

The response came immediately.

- 'I am here.'

"Come in for a moment!"

Immediately, the door opened, and Gidon walked in.

He greeted Ascal in his own way.

"Gidon here has fought alongside the mercenary group. It would be more accurate for him to describe their capabilities."

Ascal nodded and turned his attention to Gidon.

"Gidon, could you tell me about your experience with the mercenary group?"

Gidon paused for a moment, blinking as if attempting to recall something.

Soon, he replied with a firm voice.

"Without a doubt, they're more organized and well-trained than any other mercenary group I have seen. This is something the elder will realize the moment you see them."

"Being organized doesn't mean much. I'm asking about their capabilities. Can they protect our World Tree?"


Gidon fell silent, his gaze shifting briefly to his father. Once Gibson nodded, Gidon exhaled a long sigh. Then, he began to speak, choosing his words carefully.

"...The vice-captain of the mercenary group..."


"The man who bonded with my sister. He's also the one leading the mercenaries."

As Gidon skirted around his words, Ascal was growing impatient. He just wanted to know if he could trust them. He wished for Gidon to provide a straightforward answer.

"Tell me-"

"-He's a monster."

But Gidon interjected, his voice hushed and filled with awe, like a child whispering about a ghost.

"I've never seen anyone fight like that. The way he moves..."

Ascal looked at Gidon, the eldest son of the Blackwood family. Knowing his race's values, Ascal understood what such praise meant. Gidon, a famous warrior among the werewolves, held such high regard for the 'human' vice-captain of the mercenary group...

"...I have never met Gale-sama, the greatest warrior of the dragonian race, but... I believe this vice-captain may possess a similar level of prowess."

Ascal snorted, finding the statement peculiar.

"...There's no one as strong as Gale. I can guarantee that after living for hundreds of years. Even the Hero taught by Gale. Don't use Gale's name lightly."

"...That might be true. But even that vice-captain's subjugation record is close to 200."


"From what I've seen of his skills, I believe it. If you're looking for mercenaries who can fight the monster leader, I recommend them."

A lengthy silence followed Gidon's words. Ascal seemed lost in thought, standing still for a while. Finally, his voice echoed through the room again, firm with resolution.

"...We don't seem to have any other options. What's the name of this mercenary group?"

"They are called the Red Flames Corps. Their base is in Stockpin."

Ascal nodded and turned to leave, his urgency seemed evident.

"Thank you, Gibson. And you too, Gidon."

Gibson stood up from his seat and said.

"I wish you good luck."


In the blink of an eye, two weeks had swept past.

Ner and I were getting to know each other day by day.

There was still some distance between us. It seemed as if the time required to become an ordinary couple was still a far-off reality.

Despite that, an aura of comfort existed between us, often punctuated with shared laughter.

Gradually, I was discovering the hidden charms of Ner.

As she grew more comfortable with me, she started to show her true self.

"Ner. I'm back."

Ner ran towards me as I came back from training.

"Berg! How many times have I told you to rinse the rag in water when you're done?"

Seeing this noble lady fuss over laundry was a common sight now.

If anyone else said it, it would mean nothing, but when Ner said it, it sparked humor.

"I left it out to use it again."

"How can you use this dirty rag again. Seriously..."

"Can't you at least welcome me first?"

I grumbled lightly, feeling the fatigue from training.


Only then did Ner blink her eyes, turned her head, and said.

"...You're back?"

I smiled and revealed the snack I had kept hidden behind my back.

Upon seeing it, Ner's ears twitched, and her tail wagged in anticipation.

"Uh...? Berg, is this...?"

"Honey pie. I remember you saying that you liked it. A friend made it and gifted it to me."

The treat was neatly wrapped in a small box.

Ner's eyes, full of anticipation, blinked at me, and she approached hesitantly.

"...Is it really for me? You sure you don't want some?"

"I don't really eat sweet things."

"Oh...really? Don't you want to try at least a bite?"

Her courtesy was evident in her expression. Just by looking at her worry about what response I might give, I knew it...

Seeing her unable to approach me, I closed the distance between us.

I placed the snack on a nearby table, declaring, "No, you enjoy it all."

Her tail resumed its joyful wagging at my response.

Observing this, I finally understood why the werewolf-kind preferred to tuck their tails beneath them when seated.

It would be troublesome if one's emotions were that easily read. But for me, it was just amusing now.

I fetched a wooden fork from the kitchen and placed it next to the pie.

Before I knew it, Ner had sat down and was waiting patiently.

"...Thank you," she murmured as I handed her the fork.

I responded with a nod and a warm smile.

Then, sitting across from her, I began to indulge in the sight of Ner savoring the pie.

"...I'll forgive you this time for the rag incident."

Ner playfully brought up our previous conversation. My chuckle echoed through the room.

Seeing that her joke had landed, Ner continued eating with a smile.

Indeed, there wasn't any issue as long as we were in each other's company, free from any discomfort.

The problem arose when we were alone.

That was when my thoughts turned turbulent.

I imagined it must be the same for Ner.

Recently, she has been sighing more frequently without me noticing.

Several times, I caught her sighing while aimlessly wandering around the house. These days, she also let out a few hefty breaths before slipping into sleep.

I had a vague understanding of why.

She was struggling in her own way.

Besides the fact that she had married someone she didn't love, Stockpin was a human-centric town.

It was a world apart from where she used to live.

As a noble, she also had a different standard of living.

I also realized that she didn't have anything to do to alleviate her boredom.

For me, there was training, meetings with officers, and friends were aplenty. But Ner was confined to the house all day.

She only seemed to smile a little when I was around.

I had no idea how many worries she had that she didn't share with me.

I felt a pang of guilt that she may have been suppressing her grievances, but I also felt grateful for her patience.

However, I was unsure about how she would change in the future.

I felt like I was watching an active volcano.

I hoped that her inevitable emotional outburst would be within my capacity to manage.

I never expected our marriage to be smooth sailing.

We were bound to face issues at some point.

Due to cultural differences, there may come a time when I'll have to make her do something she doesn't want to do.

"...Is it good?"


But for today at least, our day was filled with shared smiles.

Perhaps I needed to find a suitable solution for a smooth married life.

I felt that I needed to think about how to get closer to her, and how to cherish each other.

Because that's what being a couple truly meant.

– – – End of Chapter – – –